Fall Activities again! Here we are, at the beginning. 🍁🍂

in Home Edders2 years ago

Hello mammas 💜

(and fathers). 😁

Last week I've said I'll be posting activities on Human Body's Theme. The thing is I had a very busy week and Caleb is again sick (he has a bad cough and stuffed nose), thats why I didn't download the pictures from my phone. Not yet. But I do hope tomorrow is the day!

Maybe you'll think it's easy to download some pictures from phone on the computer. What's the big deal with that? Well, believe it or not, for me it is 😁😆. I need to have a quiet time & my alone space and it's not gonna happen when my son is around. I don't just download the pictures and move on. I ALWAYS sort them in folders and then save them from my computer on external hard drive and then delete them (some of them) from my phone. I SWEAR, for me this is called RELAX time. I LOVE doing this but when I'm tired I just can't do it. And I don't have 50 pictures. I have +1000 pictures pretty much every 2-3 weeks. I know. I'm sick! **Forget all above and Let's move on! **

My project-1 (1).png

Because I started posting on Fall Theme last week, let's remain in the theme for now.

Here are some more ideas from us! 🍂🍁


Finger Painting Fall Tree

Actually, these photos triggers so many beautiful memories.
My son was only 1yr and 8mo when we did this autumn tree. He was so small! 🧡

I started working with Caleb at the age of 1yr and 3mo. More exactly, that was my first time setting up activities and stuff. Before that, learning was happening only by play.

Maybe I wouldn't have gone forward with all these activities but my son was so active and eager to learn! He was soooo receptive for his age! No wonder at the age of 1yr and 8mo he began to write and by the age of two he could write all numbers up to 100, alphabet letters too, all in order A-Z and Z-A. I mean real WRITTING, capital letters. Anyways.

This is a simple activity you can try with your kids, little or not. Art is always a great idea for any age. It comes in all forms and at all levels.

We used acrylic paint for this one. I colored the trunk of the tree and Caleb used his tiny fingers to do the colored leaves.


Painted Tree Leaves ART

Right after this one we moved to another activity I thought it would be nice to try, this time using a brush though.

I wanted to "grow" the sensorial experience, and for that I introduced a real twig with leaves. We wanted to paint those in fall colors and thats exactly what we did (Caleb did most of the work).

Creativity and fine motor skills development were my goals-to-follow with these painting activities. And of course, to represent the nature by creating easy art for/with kids.

Caleb was very good at keeping writting tools in his hand by the age of 1y and 4mo. Another reason to want doing all the art and paintings we did since then.


If you look closely, he started this activity by trying to write something. I don't remember what it was but look at the next photo and you'll notice a A letter. Actually, this was the time he began writting letters and one month later, numbers. For months, he only colored numbers and letters. He would ask for letter and numbers in case I would have thought giving him an animal coloring worksheet.



Picking up Wild Flowers

What a joy is for us living on country side! Still, there are only 5 km to the city but we love it here. Staying outdoors were our thing and my son would cry sometimes for getting back inside the house.

I remember so many times when we went exploring nature around. I found some pictures in the same folder with the content above, why not share these too? This is how we actually learn, by exploring. I always gave my toddler here facts and explanations about everything thats in front of us, what we see. So he can make connections.

Leaf Color Sorting

Here's something interesting and easy to do with the kids.
Just pick up some leaves and do a COLOR-SORTING activity. Kids love these, especially if they're little and only began to understand how these things go.

Sorting in general is a must skill that kids need and naturally begin to master.

I think this is a good way to introduce some Nature and Biology easy concepts for toddlers too.

First we picked up the leaves and after we did the sorting activity, outside. You only need a couple of colored paper or draw white paper instead, inc ase dont have them at hand.



Animals made out of leaves

This activity is so widely done and praised and I've seen a lot of amazing art work on the theme. Still, Caleb here was 2yrs and half and I remember I came out with this idea with a snap. So we didnt do something fancy at the moment. But it doesnt have to be fancy, it was useful and thats what it matters.

A lion and a hedgehog is ALL I could come up with 😅. And also I remember that Caleb wasnt too interested in the activity. I helped in with the hedgehog. So:d luckily I didnt fry my brain off to create some epic art. 😁


Fall Color by Number Worksheet

There's no much to say about this one. Caleb was 2yrs and a half.
I download the worksheet online.


I have to leave it for now because it's already a pretty long post, but there's still material for one or two more posts on the theme Fall Activities with Caleb, and which are from the past years.

Not to mention that this week and in the upcoming week the theme that we're guiding our learning is .....


again! My phone is already full with photos and I can't wait sharing those with you too.
You'll see the difference on how it was one or two years ago compared with what we're doing in the present. It's kind of interesting. 🍂

All right, thank you everyone for reading,

Lots of love

missdeli 💛


Hi @missdeli, your little one had a lot of fun painting the leaves, Mr. Lion looked great, the mane is very particular with those beautiful colors; you have used the leaves in a very original way for your little one to study the colors.

The flowers are cute, I liked the colors, the tree is great, it would be a great idea for Christmas cards.


Hey! thank you for your kind comment, I forgot to reply! It's been quite busy these days with the little one! And Yes, he is very patient in general! I was lucky because of this we can work very nice and efficient together.

Amiga confieso que ví las imágenes de las hojas de colores antes de leer el contenido y pensé, que maravilla que puedan conseguir hojas de tan bellos colores 🤦.
Me encanta su actividad pero imagino a mi niña toda pintada de pie a cabeza 😂 pues ya tiene dos añitos y está traviesa.
Creo que probaré la de pintar el árbol y poner números a las hojas indicando el color para cada número, creo que esa será más acordé y después pensaré en la pintura.
Me encantan sus post, gracias por compartir.

I had to read very carefully to understand.😁😊 Thank you, you're so kind for commenting and giving me a feedback to my post.
I'm very glad if this was useful for and the fact you're cosidering trying some of our activities. Thats the purpose on sharing them here!

Saludos para tí! 🤎

so bright post! cool games!
number painting is our good fun too
and I like finger painting;) my son - not, I tried to make him love it, but - no:)
we're going to make some fall pictures too, but here almost all leaves are still green, and we wait for their new season

Thanks! 😁❤️

Well, some kids like it and others dont. I hear you. I wanted my son be fascinated to nature and physical activities but he's not. He's into Math. 🤔😁 maybe later. 🙄😅

Its warm in here too but the leaves have already started changing colors and fall from the trees. Some of the trees, not all types.

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