Random Learning Activities for Kids

in Home Edders16 hours ago

Hello, friends!

It's been a little while since I last shared here, but I'm so excited to be back with some fun ideas for families! As a mom, I’ve always looked for fun and easy ways to keep my child busy and learning at home.
Today, I’m sharing a list of random but interesting learning activities that you can try with your kids; no fancy supplies needed, just a bit of imagination and a whole lot of fun! (well, maybe you'll need a printer....if don't have one skip that specific activity which requires one or maybe you can reproduce it in other way)

I still have so many activities that I didnt share with you over the years, and so, in this blog I'm sharing a mix of them that really worked for us. My kid loved every one of them.

Don't worry about the age you'll see next to every activity I have shared. You can try it with older kids or adjust it to their cognitive level. I can only say we started really early to learn... 😌


Measurements. Measure and Order

Age: 4 years old

First, let's start with thees Measurements right here.
Caleb was OBSESSED with the measurement grid. He used to measure everything he could. We have that measuring tape that's flexible and I'm telling you, it's still in his cabinet, together with rest of things like pencils, carioca, glue etc.

Anyways, I found on Twinkl this lovely activity to measure and order animals. Also, we have a book called "Mathematics for children" and there's an entire chapter on "units of measurement".

We measured animal's lenght and height and then put them in order.
Also we measured our pinky fingers, spoons and all sort of objects alike so he can better understand the concepts of meaurements.

If you think you'll want to try this activity, let me know down in the comment section and I'll try sending the worksheets to you. 😊

Although, you can improvize and use whatever you can think of when doing measurements. For me, is helpful to have that book that, let's say, it provides the theory of content: Measurements.
Fter that it's my job to put in practice what we read and learn from there.


Animal's Patterns

Age: 4 years old

This learning activity doesn't need a very long description.
I printed a few animal's patterns and Caleb had to match the animal with it.
These resources are taken from twinkl, I mentioned it before. I love this platform and it offers quite a large range of learning activities ideas.

The animal's names were in English, which I dont mind. Actually, most of our learning activities of this kind are in English. Practicing other language early on it's one of the best things you can do with your kid. They are amazing learning languages until 7 years old. Now I only regret not introducing my kid with at least, one more foreign language.


Letters and Numbers. Hide & Seek

Age: 2 & 4 months years old

Hide letters and numbers into a bunch of colored pasta and rice it's the funniest you can do with kids. Caleb was in love with colored pasta and sensory play. Just make sure your kid doesnt want to put some in their mouth, cause it can be a real danger.

Here's how you can color your own rice and pasta.

Or maybe you want to take a closer look on this one: Colored Beans

This exercise is for Number and Letter Recognition.
You don't need a white board, you can write yourself the numbers/letters on a white sheet of paper and make the association there.
No need to mention all learning benefits coming with this activity; however the main goal being letters and numbers reinforcement.


Fine Motor Skills. Playdough Pumpkin

Age: 2 & 7months years old

This is another activity easy to put in practice. You just need playdough and pumpkin seeds. Or you can make a sunflower if you only have yellow playdough.

If you dont have a kid friendly tweezer as we do, then children can use their little fingers. They will develop motor skills anyway.
My son experimented both ways: he used his fingers to place the pumpkin seeds into their place (cause it was easier) but I surely encouraged him using the tweezer as well. He was still small, my sweet baby! I can't believe he's six now!



Age: 2 years old

Definetely this activity can be made with older kids. My son was barely two when we tried it, but he did just fine!

It's very important to consider the child's abilities. Don't put too much work on their little brains if they're not ready for a specific task, but also try to encourage them to try new things, harder ones when posible. Their brains need a little bit of stimulation.

As you can see, the activity is a DIY one.
You just need some earsticks and carioca.

Patterns, Color recognition, Matching, Cognitive skills as problem solving, attention, memory, perception, visual processing; These are just a few to work on with your child when solving this lovely colorful activity.



Well, in the end, I really hope you can use some of these ideas at home with your own kids.

In my opinion, learning must be fun, especially for little learners; And I think these activities are just that: fun and entertaining.
These ideas can also be practiced in schools or kindergarden.

And also, learning activities at home are important for young children because they help strengthen their skills in a familiar environment. They feel comfortable while playing and learning all together and who's the best for the task? Family, of course. We are responsable for our kids and their education. And early education is a great start for their academic future.

missdeli 💓


Looks like you have more free time now and back to what you know so well.
I will use some of these games to keep my granddaughter occupied, so I would love to
if you could send me those worksheets you mentioned.
Thank you very much!Glad to see you again, @missdeli!

Lovely to see you sharing again. It's been very quiet in the community over the holiday period. I hope you're all well.