
Those were the times when they were still too keen to be on camera. Nowadays I have to ask them if I could take photos of them, more so post them online. Guess what, I get declined most times. LOL.

We're trying to get their profiles more active these days. These articles are more like exercises for them - composition and grammar, typing skills, etc. Like for this particular post, I gave Ryle a prompt - 4 photos- and made him describe each one while trying to get up to 200 words. And he did, with very minor supervision. I'm so happy and proud. He even had to "shhhh" me when I intervened. Haha.

The girl decided to make an individual profile for herself but she's not been too active. She has lots of ideas to post though.

Guess what, I get declined most times. LOL.
This is too funny 😄, it's so cute when they have their own minds, thoughts and opinions on something and it's important as parents to respect them.

I'll check the profiles out , I'm curious to see some other of your old posts. They're too cute!

He even had to "shhhh" me when I intervened. Haha.
This is another funny one! 🤣 I know how it is. It happened to me too