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RE: On Homeschooling and the System

in Home Edders2 years ago (edited)

I have to admit that I'm new to this, to all that you shared with us here. I get the impression that all these alternative systems that are meant to evaluate children and complete their scores to have like a formal qualification and so on are not always easy.

And yes, definitely score system in schools are so frustrating and so pressure on. I even have had a "debate" with my husband on this a few days ago because he said in a way they're good because kids get to be competitive and this makes them better on that class and prepare them for the real word which is not smooth and easy path. Maybe he's right in a small proportion but overall, score system sucks and screw up many kids. Not all kids are good at everything and it doesnt have to affect the final general score in the end.
And you cant put a score on a kid just like that. For example, one kid who's amazing at science and math but fails on arts. He's still a brilliant kid. Why does this have to count on the final score by taking an A+ at Math and a C to arts? It's not fair. This is only one thing that school system lack of. There are many more.

Anyways, I just know that Caleb will be homeschooled someday, like real homeschooling because I feel school environment it will not be in his favor because of many reasons (and because of our lifestyle). On the other hand, he's way to bright compared with the other kids his age. And this will definitely wont benefit him. At all.
I know that he'll be one of the fast learners kids and he'll just stagnate among the others. Like @ingridontheroad said in her last post with collaborative learning, he'll be one of those bright kids from the group who'll "lose" in the end of the day.

I'm saying this only because reading your post, I feel that soon enough, I have to deal with searching and reaserching on which is the best way to homeschool my son and what system/platform/classes we have to follow in order to be OK for the Romanian system.
I've read it already many many times, but I still dont have a clue.


My eldest is a fast learner and she would start school at the beginning of the year loving it with all the new things to learn. Then part way through the year she'd get bored as they weren't moving on to new things. I'd literally be taking her to school in tears after the first term or two, because she'd be so unhappy. Homeschooling allowed her to move at her own pace and try different learning methods/styles when she got bored with one way of doing things. When she left home she got an ADHD diagnosis, which likely explained a lot. 😅

Thats cool to know! In our case, we're not there, yet. For little kids, things are different for sure. You know it better than me. But we'll be there I guess, one day.🧐

I cant wait for Caleb to grow (to put it like this) so I can observe his own learning style. I dont know what to expect but it will be a beautiful journey for sure.

Still, what I want to add here is that I understand exactly how has it been with your daugher. And I'm telling you why. I know its not the same but its close. So Caleb is going now to kindergarden short program (I dont remember what I talked to you last time about this). He likes it now and I like it too. I like the activities they're doing there. Its not walforf or montessori but its cool enough. The environment is cool. I think its the best we have in our town. Even though I discovered a few days ago a montessori one, I dont think I'm interested. In the end, the main reason he's going to kindergarden is for social reasons and emotional growing and development. Following easy rules, becoming independent and stuff like these.
Still even though I said I love whay they're doing there, I consider that is not enough. Definitely! Caleb's potential is way higher than all that. And I work at home with him to keep it that way. thats why I said I understand. He's not getting bored but he needs something more. He can something more.

Anyways, I hope you understand my point here. 😁😁

P.S. it was cool that you followed a waldorf school, no matter for how long.

My eldest actually loved Kindergarten, but it was a completely different environment to school. They could do whatever they wanted learning wise at Kindy, so it wasn't structured or limited. We only encountered problems when we got to the official schooling point. In reception she only managed one term before she got bored. Her teacher said to me that he was aware how far ahead she was, but couldn't do any more to stretch her in this year level.

I wish my daughters could have gone to a Waldorf school, but by the time they were old enough the school had to change its pricing structure which meant we couldn't afford it. It was interesting to see how the state/public school system worked when my girls experienced it, though.

It's daunting when you first start out because you don't know what to expect. Keep trusting your own judgement and simply tackle one day at a time. That's do-able and less stress. You are a great mum and you will do well. Love, patience and no stress will see you through.

Thank you kindly for your words! I'll try my best when the time comes! And I'll get some inspo from your posts as well 😊❤️