Calligraphy Class / Shodo #23 - Aka / Red

in Home Edderslast year

Actually, I'm writing my calligraphy weekly but for some reason I haven't been posting it. This is my recent stuff.

It's Hiragana style and it reads first "a", the second "ka". It means red color, my favorite. These first two are my best.
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Here, my sensei held my hand and we wrote together.
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And, this is my sensei's writing. It's beautiful as always.
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Calligraphy in Japanese is called Shodo. I'm using a brush and black ink on special calligraphy paper. The paper is very fine, soft, and the size is bigger than A4. I have white and also brown paper. I like the brown better because my writing looks better on the brown paper.

I'm learning two ways of writing. One is called Kaisho and the other one is Gyosho. I like Gyosho better because it is smooth, and more like art. Kaisho is the proper printed version of writing.

My sensei is always giving me to write simple words in Hiragana and Kanji. My sensei's writing is in orange, and the orange circle that my sensei draws over my writing means that I did well.

Shodo is awesome! I really enjoy it very much. You can try with me if you like.


Is nice to learn new writing, me i don't understand anything the since it is not my language

Thank you for your nice comment😀

This is pretty cool, I’m not sure this is the right community for this though. This is largely about parents home schooling their kids but this one does verge on the line of what is okay.

Regardless though that’s beautiful writing! I love the Japanese structure, I don’t even know if you can call it an alphabet. It’s a treasure for sure though and one I hope lasts for hundreds more years.

Thank you very much.
I don't even know what community would be good for my writings but I like the @homeedders community because it has interesting content, and I study like unschooling type or homeschooling type way.