[Esp-Eng] Lecciones Aprendidas Al Ser Educadora En Casa// Lessons Learned from Being a Homeschooler
La educación en casa es un reto al que las madres y padres nos hemos enfrentado, algunos hemos salido airosos, otros siguen en el intento y existen quienes se sienten frustrados y derrotados al no sentirse capaces de suplir la labor educativa del docente.
Sin embargo hay una gran realidad que es necesario tomar en cuenta y es que educar en casa a nuestros hijos nos ha traído lecciones muy valiosas a nosotros los padres, las cuales debemos reflexionar en aras de crecer como padres, personas y educadores informales.
Hello my hivelovers, today I wanted to share with you my experiences as a mother - teacher in this home education that we have had to apply as an alternative to health measures in the face of the pandemic of covid-19.
Homeschooling is a challenge that mothers and fathers have faced, some of us have succeeded, others are still trying and there are those who feel frustrated and defeated because they do not feel able to make up for the educational work of the teacher.
However, there is a great reality that is necessary to take into account and that is that homeschooling our children has brought us parents very valuable lessons, which we must reflect on in order to grow as parents, people and informal educators.
Mis Lecciones Aprendidas// My Lessons Learned

Junto a mis hijos// Together with my children
Tengo una hija en 4° año de Bachillerato y un niño en Tercer nivel de preescolar, o sea que tuve que planificar mi tiempo entre las horas dedicadas a cada nivel, porque aunque mi hija ya realiza muchas actividades por si misma, necesita orientación de igual manera.
In my case, I am a teacher at university level, so I interact with young people and adults, my strategies are more andragogic, but educating my children at home implied for me to go back to study, read, learn to draw better and fill myself with empathy, assertiveness, patience, tolerance and love.
I have a daughter in the 4th year of high school and a child in the third level of preschool, so I had to plan my time between the hours dedicated to each level, because although my daughter already does a lot of activities on her own, she still needs guidance.
Aprendí que// I learned that
- For the high school student, who was used to a face-to-face study regime, adapting was not so easy, even though they are familiar with the technology and the online classes made it easier for them. Many use social networks but do not know how to use office programs to prepare their work. I had to teach and reinforce the use and tools of word and power point to my daughter, since in the institution for not having computer lab little give them these aspects.
- Young children have adapted in a phenomenal way to the online modality, for them recording videos and taking pictures that show their activities has become something very normal and they even feel like youtubers. In my time we were afraid to expose in class, much less record it, because the use of digital cameras was not so common and it is even more difficult for us to adapt to its use.

Mi hijo y su evidencia de tarea realizada en casa// My son and his evidence of homework done at home
- To listen to my children, and to see their progress. To be able to notice if they have any weaknesses that I hadn't noticed in their learning because I left it to the teacher. It turns out that now I am the teacher and it is my responsibility to notice if it is difficult for them to do something and to look for strategies to support them in working on what might be difficult for them.
- The conversations with my children are great, they have so much to show that before because of the busy daily routine I had not had time to share it with them. It has been wonderful for me to see how my eldest daughter teaches me the world of social networks and some pages that I didn't even know ha ha. Just like my youngest son has taught me how to make videos, play minecraft and create stories and tales every day. Now I am a storytelling mom.
- To make more beautiful exhibition sheets, and even to make stars that I must confess were horrible and with all that we do in preschool, I have developed my motor skills a little more with my son.
- Every day we are constantly learning and our children teach us and invite us to learn together with them.
- Technology has become the best ally and on the screen we shorten distances even to educate and be educated, but it is a very dynamic world, in which we must be constantly updating.
- But the most important thing I learned is that my children deserve quality time, that there is time and space for everything and that is what I try to teach them. That you have to be organized to achieve your goals and that being parents and now homeschoolers is not easy but very rewarding.

Tiempo de calidad con mi hijo// Quality time with my child
I hope you liked this post and I sincerely hope that homeschooling, apart from filling you with more breathing tools, emotion management and lots and lots of tolerance, has given you special moments with your children.
El contenido es de mi autoria
Las fotografías fueron tomadas con un Motorola E6
Los separadores han sido diseñados por mi
El traductor empleado es Deepl.com
The content is my own
Photographs were taken with a Motorola E6
The separators have been designed by me
The translator used is Deepl.com
Hola @nildasalazar una experiencia muy especial, además darnos cuenta de los diferentes niveles y como los estudiantes de acuerdo a su nivel asumen las actividades, en básica y bachillerato siempre decía son unos expertos con las redes y lo último en tecnología pero didácticamente a veces no entendían los procesos o utilizar ciertos programas...recuerdo que yo utilizaba los bloggers y les daba las instrucciones para colocar allí sus contenidos y les costaba o no les gustaba, yo decía esto es como para hacer un trabajo de investigación...ha sido un cambio grande y que bueno que lo has asumido desde el punto de vista de aprendizaje para ti también.
Hola @mercmarg gracias por compartir este espacio conmigo amiga. Pues si, concuerdo contigo cuando expresas que los estudiantes son expertos en las redes pero en cuanto al uso de la tecnología didacticamente a veces no entienden ciertos programas. Fíjate que eso me paso con mi hija mayor, y le di un básico de computación para que pudiera utilizar las herramientas y realizar las asignaciones requeridas. Es mas tienes razón seria un muy buen trabajo investigar estos aspectos que señalamos. Por mi parte procuro ver las cosas desde otras perspectivas y aunque sean difíciles las circunstancias buscarles una óptica positiva y de aprendizaje, por ello trate de aprender de esta experiencia educando en casa y de mis grandes maestros, mis hijos. Agradecida por tu apoyo. Abrazos
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@actioncatsHomeschooling became an avenue for parents and their children to learn from one another. !discovery 18
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Hi, if I may ask, as a teacher how would you differentiate teaching in school and teaching at home?
Hello, thank you very much for sharing this space with me. As a teacher I consider that there are several differences between education at home and at school, I would start with the socialization that is so necessary for children and they acquire it by sharing with other children of their age in the school environment and unfortunately at home it is difficult. Another may be that the role of teacher and mother at the same time is not easy although we have tried to adapt, that while we study the mother who kisses and hugs becomes a teacher who accompanies and supports in the tasks. And lastly, there is also the physical space issue, because even though it is a home area, it is not the same to know that you are going to school and that this space is destined to study with other classmates. Hugs
Thank you for the response I really appreciate it.
Socialization is indeed an important part which is hard to emulate at home schooling setting.
Thanks to you for interacting with me, and sharing this space. Hugs
You're welcome (^_^)
Totalmente identificada, yo también soy docente universitaria y tengo que ser maestra en casa de mis dos hijos. Cuando empezó la pandemia estaban en 3er nivel de preescolar y 5to de primaria y luego 1er grado y seto grafo de primaria. No ha sido fácil y a veces un poco frustrante por la poca creatividad y compromiso de las maestras ante la nuevsa realidad educativa Pero ciertamente queda la satisfacción de hacerles el proceso de aprendizaje más sustancioso y significativo, como nadie más podría hacerlo por ellos.
Hola @isaomaroon que bueno conseguir otra mama que tiene condiciones similares a las mias, ja ja que nos ha tocado volver a trabajar con estrategias llenas de cartulinas de colores, temperas, pega y brillo jaja despues de ser ya docentes a un nivel superior. Mencionas algo muy importante y es que a veces las maestras se encuentran tambien desprovistas de recursos, estrategias y creatividad, e incluso compromiso y esta sucediendo mucho, porque lo he escuchado de otras madres que las asignaciones son muchas y complicadas, sin adaptarse a la realidad pais y la realidad educativa que estamos viviendo, como lo refieres. Efectivamente como mamas que somos buscamos que su proceso de aprendizaje sea lo mas fructifero posible porque definitivamente madre es madre y siempre sea cual sea la circunstancia y el rol que nos toque cumplir buscaremos lo mejor para ellos. Te felicito y acompaño en tu labor colega. Abrazos
It's interesting how teaching your own children at home can reveal so many new things we don't always consider.
Hello thank you very much for the support and yes homeschooling has brought us many lessons but the one that for me is most valuable is the quality time that we give to our children, which before because of the occupations we did not give the necessary value. Homeschooling has brought us a learning that I really hope that when we recover some of the usual work and school activity after the pandemic, many mothers can continue giving their children that space for them, with new family activities.
There is no doubt that homeschooling has been a great experience for parents. My son is in first grade and I have also seen that he has adapted very well to homeschooling, something that I have seen from some of my friends' children, who are in high school, had more problems. Maybe the face-to-face modality was more ingrained and we see that they were used to the teacher providing all the information, something that now they have to review on their own. But as you say, this has allowed us to detect some efficiencies that otherwise would not have been possible.
Hello friend, homeschooling has allowed us to interact more closely with our children and be able to detect their strengths and weaknesses in order to build on the strengths to work on those observed weaknesses. Before with the active lifestyle of working outside the home, it was difficult to observe and listen to our children properly, but now we have had to do it because of the quarantine and I consider that this aspect is very positive. I agree with what you say, not all children have found it easy to adapt to home schooling, of course we would also have to see how the family dynamics in which they live. Thank you very much for sharing this space with me. Hugs