Jigsaw puzzles are an excellent strategy to develop motor skills, holding the pieces and examining them to know where each one goes. On the other hand, cognition is also exercised by remembering what the figure or landscape looked like in order to put it together. In addition, spatial memory is put into practice and attention to detail is strengthened.
Los niños quedaron encantados con el regalo de Alma, así que lo saqué para que jugaran en el piso. Jesús estaba muy atento, a pesar de que se encuentra en el proceso de aprenderse las letras. A veces, se equivocaba, pero su hermana lo orientaba para que volviera a intentarlo. Así estuvo un buen rato sin aburrirse, me complace verlo animado con ganas de participar. Lamentablemente, este juego trajo solamente la vocal "i", lo que dificultaba formar palabras.
The children were delighted with Alma's gift, so I took it out for them to play on the floor. Jesus was very attentive, even though he is in the process of learning his letters. Sometimes he got it wrong, but his sister guided him to try again. He went on for a long time without getting bored, and I was pleased to see him eager to participate. Unfortunately, this game brought only the vowel "i", which made it difficult to form words.
En vista de este panorama, se me ocurrió retar a Sara para que armara un cubo. Ella aceptó, sin embargo, no sabía cómo iba lograr la tarea que le asigné. Tras varios intentos fallidos, le sugerí un método. Jesús ayudó con la mejor disposición. La niña resultó ser buena dirigente y alcanzaron el objetivo propuesto. Estaban felices con el resultado, el cubo podía sostenerse por sí solo y no se desarmaba. Así que fueron a enseñárselo a su papá, quién los felicitó por el buen trabajo, resaltar los logros es un aspecto positivo para la consolidación de la personalidad.
In view of this scenario, it occurred to me to challenge Sara to assemble a cube. She accepted, however, she did not know how she was going to accomplish the task I assigned her. After several unsuccessful attempts, I suggested a method. Jesus helped with the best disposition. The girl turned out to be a good leader and they achieved the proposed goal. They were happy with the result, the cube could stand on its own and did not fall apart. So they went to show it to their father, who congratulated them for their good work, highlighting achievements is a positive aspect for the consolidation of the personality.
Este puzzle es muy útil porque con él se puede trabajar el abecedario, al tiempo que se aprende nuevo vocabulario. Por supuesto, habría que comprar varios paquetes, ya que cada uno trae 10 piezas. Me parece una excelente opción para adentrarse en el maravilloso mundo de las letras. Los niños se divirtieron con una nueva forma de aprender, allí está la mayor satisfacción.
This puzzle is very useful because with it you can work on the alphabet while learning new vocabulary. Of course, you would have to buy several packages, since each one has 10 pieces. I think it is an excellent option to get into the wonderful world of letters. The children had fun with a new way of learning, and that is the greatest satisfaction.
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I used to love playing with these! Yes they are great for teaching kids because it makes them feel like they are playing and they love that. Cognitive skills, patience, motor skills, memory and many more are the areas that these types of exercises can help.