Ahh how cute XD
I don't remember my boys ever writing letters to Santa but my daughter did for a little while. I still remember one Christmas, she was between 7 and 9, and she asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I was busy at the time and didn't realise what she was doing and so off-handedly answered "world peace" without looking up from what I was doing. I figured it out when I heard her carefully sounding it out while writing XD
What do you mean by "adult" lowercase and uppercase letters, do kids have a simplified version that they learn before learning the proper ones?
Hope Father Frost is able to bring the items on his list :D
oh yeah...we often say something to our kids without giving much attention to it, but they do give maximum attention to all we say and do
"adult" lowercase and uppercase letter - yeah, I mean, at first kids write very simple variant of letters, and onlt after it, at school, they learn to write books we all use in life
here there're both of them to compare
I see why the kids need as simplified version ^_^; and now I learned something too :D