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RE: A Fun Way to Save for Kids

in Home Edders2 years ago (edited)

Save to get saved , a sure thing that has worked and became handy over time. We often get carried away with using all the money we have that we forget to save. Well I have a bank app that help me save money by putting in a particular period of time and once it's set I could see my money but can't take it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Teaches some patience too . And also it drops little interest that I eventually withdraw alongside my real money . This is also familiar with the @hive savings method .


Yes! I've had my share of "getting carried away with using all the money.” 😬😁

Hmmm that sounds like a good discipline app lol 😅.

It’s always good getting interest. It sure is similar to Hive’s method of saving.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing about the app ~