This was by far one of the most entertaining posts I've read in a while!
This part is hilarious:
The shapes worked out reasonably well except for the giraffe which turned into a demented seahorse as its feet didn't make it out of the cutter, and then the rest of the legs fell off into the sprinkles bowl when it was dipped.
Those fake wounds look pretty nasty, indeed. Wish I had known that trick back in the days when I made zombie movies ;<)
Pro-tip 2: be careful when rinsing off fake wounds in showers as red food colouring splashes EVERYWHERE and makes the shower look like a murder scene (would have taken a photo but that would have required not cleaning it off immediately and red food colouring stains when dry)
This is why Hitchcock made Psycho black and white, back in 1960.
Just kidding, I don't think he used food coloring as blood, it's just that the audience wouldn't have handled the shower scene very well if it had been in color.
I think it was an awesome move and made the film even more legendary and suspenseful.
Big hug,
It was hilarious watching it happen XD pixie was all WHAT HAPPENED TO THE LEGS?! and we looked around and then I found the nubby little things in the sprinkles bowl. At that stage we were really struggling not to laugh too loudly as it was pretty late and everyone else had gone to bed or was on the way by the time it was done.
As long as your survivors/zombies didn't have to go into water, you need sterner stuff for that ;D
New things just need to be introduced slowly I guess :)
Hahaha! I'm sure it was even more fun in real life than it looks in my imagination.
That wasn't written in the script, even though I was filming on an island :<)