Volcano Eruption : Home Experiment ****Erupción de Volcán : Experimento en casa

in Home Edders3 years ago



Dad and mom of this great family in today's adventure we will share with you an experiment for the child to get an idea of the internal force of the earth and why the volcano erupts to expel such pressure.
With this activity the little ones will develop their curiosity and imagination as they investigate to learn more about the internal forces of the earth.

For this activity, the first thing we made was a volcano made out of scrap material.


Papá y mamá de esta gran familia en la aventura de hoy les compartiremos un experimento para que el niño tenga una idea de la fuerza interna de la tierra y por qué el volcán erupciona para expulsar tal presión.
Con esta actividad los pequeños desarrollarán su curiosidad e imaginación al investigar para conocer más sobre las fuerzas internas de la tierra.

Para esta actividad lo primero que realizamos fue un volcán hecho con material de provecho.


Profit paper
Adhesive tape
Plastic bottle

Papel de provecho
Cinta adhesiva
Botella de plástico

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I cut the bottle with the cutter

Corté la botella con el cutter

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I then inserted the top part of the bottle to form a kind of funnel.

Luego introduje la parte de arriba de la botella para formar una especie de embudo

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I then glued the bottle to the cardboard base.
Seguidamente pegué la botella a la base del cartón

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I then lined the bottle to form the volcano.

Posteriormente forré la botella para formar el volcán

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Finally, we made the volcano

Finalmente realizamos el volcán

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Now I invite you to join us in this fascinating adventure of watching the volcano erupt and spew lava.

Ahora les invito a sumergirse con nosotros en esta fascinante aventura de ver como el volcán erupciona y arroja lava.

Benefits of this activity:

  • Awaken curiosity and imagination in children.
  • Encourage a love of science
  • Create positive feelings of self-esteem in children.
  • Development of action research skills
  • Work as a team and respect the opinions of their peers.
  • Improve their memory and analytical skills

Beneficios de esta actividad:

  • Despertar la curiosidad e imaginación en los niños
  • Fomentar amor por las ciencias
  • Crear en los niños sentimientos positivos de autoestima.
  • Desarrollo de la habilidad de investigación acción
  • Trabajar en equipo y respetar las opiniones de sus compañeros
  • Mejora su capacidad de memoria y análisis

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To educate with the heart is to prepare our little ones for greatness.

Educar con el corazón es preparar a nuestros pequeños para la grandeza.

Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

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     All images are my own, captured by a Síragon LC-3000 camera 
                  Video made with my alcatel 1 phone
                        Edited with InShot
 Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas por una cámara Síragon LC-3000 
                   Video realizado con mi teléfono alcatel 1
                                Editado con InShot  

I love your experiment! I did something similar with my kdi but definetely yours is something else! I lvoe how you used that paper, it really looks natural like a vulcano.

Blessings friend how nice that you liked it for my son it was a wonderful experience.

Peace and good!

Oh yes! I love science experiments with kids. Baking soda and vinegar is the best of fun! Bit messy but still awesome fun!

It is certainly a lot of fun and the children love it especially at the precise moment of the reaction, my son I have to hold his hand a little bit because otherwise he would make a huge reaction.

Peace and good!

Hahaha oh yes I remember those days! I haven't done this in a while maybe it's time to do it again with my 1 year old but this time get my 5 year old to lead the experiment!

Totally agree! Messy is the first word that came in mind 😂

This makes me remember when I first experienced this kind of experiment I was very amazed. With that being said, I am going to try this experiment with that son.

I tell you that my little one was very happy because it was something impressive for him to see this reaction. Cheer up and do it with your child.

Peace and good!

Good job! Who doesn't love "explosions"?! We've also done quite a few in our homeschool but I have to say your volcano is way better! :D

Precisely that is my son's favorite moment, if it were up to him I would empty the whole container of baking soda so that the reaction would be bigger and see how he says a mega explosion.

Peace and good!

Jajaj pero qué genial experimento! Quedó espectacularr!! Muy muy bueno!! El gif del principio es buenísimo, jaja. Me encantó!

Bendiciones amiga fue un momento que disfrutamos mucho a mi hijo le encantó al ver la reacción del vinagre con la soda.

Paz y bien !

me recordaste mis tiempos de bachillerato gracias por ello, éxito

Bendiciones amiga es un gusto que éste sencillo experimento haya traído bellos recuerdos a tu vida , la madre Teresa de Calcuta dijo: Que los momentos más hermosos de la vida a veces no pueden ser vistos ni tocados , sino que deben sentirse en el corazón.

Paz y bien!

Así es querido amigo solo esos momentos quedan marcados en nuestra mente