The mental cost of living in a dictatorship | OCD CONTEST

in Home Edders4 years ago

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Greetings Friends, Old Zorro here, participating in this contest that comes as a ring to the finger.

One of the reasons why I am in Hive is because I have renounced my work in an advertising agency, this because they paid me only 30 dollars monthly.

In no country in the world you can live with that amount of money, but in Venezuela, you can not tell no to work, so I had to accept it while I had nothing better to do.

I know very well that there are many people from my country in Hive, and many of them will surely answer this question very in detail, maybe some will dare to place service bills or the cost of food they consume, I want to talk about something a lot More important to me.


According to Specialists of the Social Documentation and Social Analysis of the Masters Federation, the cost of the Basic Family Basket in Venezuela is $600, this means that a single and uncompromising person could live with half of it Monthly, however... As sure you will have already read in other publications, the monthly minimum salary legally established by the Government of Nicolas Maduro is equivalent only to $2 per month.


But wait, this does not mean that all Venezuelans win only two dollars a month, that is totally false.

The minimum monthly salary is a figure that only Nicolas Maduro dares to pay to all the workers of the public administration. Private companies, at exceeding, always pay more than $50 per month, some up to $200 depending on the work.

But let's go straight to the point.

The cost of life in Venezuela is equal to or higher than any country of the region, adding the fact that we are in the midst of an inflationary crisis that does not seem to go back, and that in the midst of the crisis, speculation and corruption have been assorterate of everything.

Depending on the state, the accounts can be very higher or lower, for example, my wife and I spent 150 dollars monthly in food, we are not lacking any kind of food, and really, we are satisfied with our caloric intake.

However, $150 would not be enough to eat decently in Caracas.

Punta de Mata
Picture by LaPatilla

We are from Punta de Mata, a village of the Monagas state, away from the city, much quieter, where the meat, fish, vegetables and fruits are achieved at very lower prices than in the city.

Clothing and footwear, on the other hand, are impossible to buy for us.

The true cost of living in Venezuela.

The real problem of living here is not food, absolutely everything you want, you get it, usually at good prices.

Venezuela passes you the invoice otherwise, at emotional level.

Go out to the street and see the thousand humiliations that we are subjected daily is something that broke my heart.

  • We do not have a good public transport system, nor does it private.
  • We can not enjoy the nightlife with tranquility due to the high insecurity that predominates on the streets.
  • We can not buy luxurious things or nice clothes due to the high costs and because we will be the focus of the thieves, and even your neighbor can kill you for a pair of shoes.
  • We live with stress and fear of suffering some kind of disease whose treatment we can not afford.

I dare to say that all Venezuelans understand this, even the wealthy ones. The country tries to destroy you always, prevents you from moving forward and improving your life, and if you want to go... you have to go through months or even years of suffering waiting for Venezuelan bureaucracia (and corruption of managers) allows you to have your passport legal.

Venezuela is a country that kills you from within, it destroys you the soul, the desire to live, break the spirit, and therefore every day we have to be brave and seek another reason to continue.

At this time, my reason to continue is Hive, it has gone well in some publications and I want to gather enough money to go to Colombia with my wife, start living a normal life and without so much stress, so until the Covid-19 It is finished, I will be posting everything I can and saving to leave.

Thank you very much to all those who read up here. Old fox is dismissed!!

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Saludos amigos, Zorro Viejo les saluda, participando en este concurso que me viene como anillo al dedo.

Una de las razones por las que me encuentro en Hive es debido a que he renunciado a mi trabajo en una agencia publicitaria, esto porque me pagaban solo 30 dólares mensual.

En ningún país del mundo se puede vivir con esa cantidad de dinero, pero en Venezuela, no se le puede decir que no al trabajo, por lo que tuve que aceptarlo mientras no tenía nada mejor que hacer.

Se muy bien que hay mucha gente de mi país en Hive, y muchos de ellos seguro van a responder esta pregunta muy detalladamente, quizás algunos se atreverán a colocar facturas de servicios o el coste de los alimentos que consumen, yo quiero hablar de algo mucho mas importante para mi.

What is the cost of living like in your country or region?

Segun especialistas del Centro de documentación y análisis social de la federación de maestros, el coste de la canasta básica familiar en Venezuela es de 600 dólares, esto quiere decir que una persona soltera y sin compromisos podría vivir con la mitad de ello mensualmente, sin embargo... Como seguro ya habrán leído en otras publicaciones, el salario mínimo mensual legalmente establecido por el gobierno de Nicolas Maduro equivale solo a 2 dólares mensuales.


Pero cuidado, esto no significa que todos los venezolanos ganemos solo dos dólares al mes, eso es totalmente falso.

El salario mínimo mensual es una cifra que en estos momentos solo se atreve a pagar Nicolas Maduro a todos los trabajadores de la administración publica. Las empresas privadas, en su gran mayoría, siempre pagan más de 50 dólares mensuales, algunas hasta 200 dependiendo del trabajo.

Pero vamos directo al punto.

El costo de la vida en Venezuela es igual o superior a cualquier país de la region, sumando el hecho de que estamos en medio de una crisis inflacionaria que no parece retroceder, y que en medio de la crisis, la especulación y la corrupción se han apoderado de todo.

Dependiendo del estado, las cuentas pueden ser muy superiores o inferiores, por ejemplo, mi esposa y yo gastamos 150 dólares mensuales en comida, no nos falta ningún tipo de alimento, y realmente, nos sentimos satisfechos con nuestra ingesta calórica.

Sin embargo, 150 dólares no seria suficiente para comer decentemente en Caracas.

Punta de Mata
Picture by LaPatilla

Nosotros somos de Punta de Mata, un pueblito del estado Monagas, alejado de la ciudad, mucho mas tranquilo, donde se consigue la carne, el pescado, las hortalizas y vegetales a precios muy inferiores que en la ciudad.

La ropa y el calzado, por otro lado, son imposibles de comprar para nosotros.

El verdadero coste de vivir en Venezuela.

El verdadero problema de vivir aquí no es la alimentación, absolutamente todo lo que uno quiere, lo consigue, generalmente a buenos precios.

Venezuela te pasa la factura de otra manera, a nivel emocional...

Salir a la calle y ver las mil humillaciones a las que estamos sometidos los venezolanos diariamente es algo que me parte el corazón.

  • No tenemos un buen sistema de transporte publico, tampoco privado.
  • No podemos disfrutar de la vida nocturna con tranquilidad debido a la alta inseguridad que predomina en las calles.
  • No podemos comprar cosas lujosas o ropa bonita debido a los altos costos y porque seremos el foco de atención de los ladrones, y hasta tu vecino te puede asesinar por un par de zapatos.
  • Vivimos con el estrés y temor de sufrir algún tipo de enfermedad cuyo tratamiento no podamos costear.

Me atrevo a decir que todos los venezolanos entienden esto, incluso los mas adinerados. El país intenta destruirte siempre, te impide avanzar y mejorar tu vida, y si te quieres ir... tienes que pasar por meses o incluso años de sufrimiento esperando que la burocracia venezolana (y la corrupción de los gestores) te permita tener tu pasaporte legal.

Venezuela es un país que te mata desde adentro, te destruye el alma, las ganas de vivir, te quiebra el espíritu, y por ello todos los días tenemos que ser valientes y buscar otra razón para continuar.

En estos momentos, mi razón para continuar es Hive, me ha ido bien en algunas publicaciones y quiero reunir suficiente dinero para irme a Colombia con mi mujer, empezar a vivir una vida normal y sin tanto estrés, así que hasta que el Covid-19 se termine, estaré posteando todo lo que pueda y ahorrando para irme.

Muchas gracias a todos los que leyeron hasta aquí. Se despide Zorro Viejo!!

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There have been a lot of these posts from Venezuelans and they do seem to vary slightly depending on the region they live. I admit to have been confused by the contradictions in some and your post has cleared some of that up.

I appreciate your straight forward approach to the topic and clarifying some things. I hope you get where you want to go soon.

Thanks for your good wishes, as you say, there are many differences depending on the region in which you are, Venezuela is not a very large country, but if it is divided by large areas of land, the border states are much better, some even have high speed internet and you can see ferraris on the streets, come on, there are places in Venezuela that look like Miami. Not everything is extreme poverty, and right now I think that the vast majority of Venezuelans have understood that they have to look for other sources of income, some survive with what their relatives send them abroad, and others earn money doing anything at prices exorbitant.

Hard to imagine places looking like Miami. From the outside it's easy to make assumptions about a country, so it's been informative to read these accounts.


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