This is actually a pretty well-written article, and I've seen that you're pretty active in this Community.
As you can probably tell, I'm not awfully active and have more or less just created this Community and it would've been rotting away ever since without people like you to make it livelier and more interactive with your experiences, insight, views, and content.
On that note, this Community needs someone who can take care of it better than I can and has more time to devote to it. Would you be interested in being the Moderator or Administrator of this Community?
If yes, let me know. Judging by your posts, I believe you are the right person for the much-needed and thankless task.
Hi Grimfangs,
I just saw this after a three month break from posting. Yes, I was very active herr and even created my own group called Fighting arts. I even had big aspirations for it, lol. However I got super busy and as you said, let it rot. I'm not opposed to taking over as admin for the group. This group is slightly more established than mine. But I will need a little bit of time to think about it. I'm working full-time and taking college classes. I will reply back here if I decide to do it.