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RE: Invitation to the next Hive Meetup Vienna: Thursday November 2nd 19:00 @ Tesla Coffee & Concept. Topic of this meetup: Splinterlands Rebellion Launch – Risks & Opportunities

The rating reset is really annoying, maybe let the player keep roughly the same spot if they don't play, or let the player choose their league where to start from.


Well, for me the problem is that the only available gameplay is the PvP mode.
Unless they reinvent PvP competition, there is nothing to be done about the reset. We need to be on an "equal footing" to be able to compete against each other. But at the same time the reset negate the feeling of accomplishment and progression and the game turns to basic grinding.

I think they SPL need a story mode and PvE, where there are always new things to discover, where we can look back and see how we progressed in the game.

But at the moment they prefer asking the DAO for 60K USD for social network management rather than to hire additional developers...