Hive Daily Mix - Trending - 2023-08-17

The first AI powered recap of the best trending posts on PeakD and Hive, brought to you by the @peakd team :)

August 17

Value Plan Q3-Q4 'Bridge' Proposal - by @valueplan
The post is a proposal for a 'bridge fund' between Q3 and Q4 funding for Value Plan activities. The requested amount is to be considered as a portion of Q4. The post discusses the projection for Q4, the need to include a complete overview of progress in Q3 in the Q4 proposal, the budget and end of year reports coming out in December, the finalization and calculation of KPIs for 2023, and the request for contribution to strategy discussions.

A stop at Chonas-I'Amballan: relaxation, panoramic views and animal encounters! - Entspannung, Panoramablick und Tierbegegnung! 🚐🌄🐶 - by @vanje
Original language: English, German
The post discusses the author's stop at Chonas-I'Amballan during their journey home, highlighting the relaxation, panoramic views, and animal encounters they experienced. The post also mentions the beautiful landscape along the Rhone and the elevated view at the RV park near the Renaissance castle. The author shares their experience of cooking their own meal and being visited by a neighbor's dog. They also describe the breathtaking sunrise and the history of wine growing in the area. The post concludes by emphasizing the value of small encounters and experiences during travel.

Un Marigüitense talentoso se presenta en Hive/ A talented Marigüitense performs at Hive[ENG/ESP] - by @cjmorillo
Original language: ENG, ESP
A talented Marigüitense teenager introduces himself on Hive and shares his interests and aspirations.

Una Parte de Mi en Hive... Conóceme [Esp/Eng] - by @nathaly23
Original language: Español, English
Nathalie Daniela Oliveros introduces herself and shares her journey of growth and accomplishments, from her upbringing in a dysfunctional family to her university studies and career aspirations in law. She also expresses her diverse interests and gratitude towards the Hive community.

The Thorn of the Rose that Once Pricked - by @rhianmaker
This post is a personal story about the author's experience with a terrifying nightmare and their journey towards healing and understanding.

Hive: So Many Ways To Earn - by @taskmaster4450
Hive is leading the charge into Web 3.0 and brings a new era to people. Opportunities are being presented and vulnerabilities of other systems are being exposed. Hive stands out by offering the ability to earn on the platform and zero direct transaction fees.

Is This It? - by @tarazkp
The post discusses the concept of decentralization and its relevance in the context of the building crisis in China. It highlights the limitations and drawbacks of centralized decision-making and the need for economic inclusivity. The author argues that homogenization of thought and practice hinders innovation and that a decentralized approach allows for collaborative decision-making.

Interior Design and Architecture of Yum Thai Restaurant - by @isdarmady
The post discusses the interior design and architecture of Yum Thai Restaurant in Medan City, Indonesia. It highlights the restaurant's exterior, interior, and outdoor spaces, as well as the different furniture and designs used in each area.

Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Dudley Pretty Bungalow - by @slobberchops
This post is about the exploration of an abandoned bungalow in Staffordshire. The author discusses their experience finding the location, accessing it, and exploring the interior. They also comment on the condition of the property and speculate on its history and previous owners.

Girasoles 🌻 (es/en) - by @rikardonaranjo
Original language: es,en
This post is about sunflowers and their significance in the author's life. It explores the different emotions and inspirations associated with sunflowers.

Travel Digest #1969 - by @pinmapple
This post is the 1969th edition of #TravelDigest and features posts about the North Cape in Norway, an ancient city in Turkey, and the European Parliament in France.

Lost and Found - by @nickydee
The post discusses the author's experience with Tantra and the concept of following one's curiosity. It also touches on the importance of silence, solitude, and embracing life fully. The author reflects on the practice of non-judgment and the negative impact of gossiping. The post concludes with a reminder to meditate and a quote by Lao Tzu.

Camping at Ionia State Recreation Area: The rest of our weekend - by @bozz
This post is about the author's camping trip at Ionia State Recreation Area in Michigan. They discuss their experience, including disc golf, driving through farm country, wind turbines, the beach at Session Lake, their campsite, and exploring the town of Ionia. The post also includes photos of their adventures and a delicious meal they cooked.

🟢 Subtitula y Traduce tus videos de 3Speak en minutos 🇪🇸 🇬🇧 - by @noakmilo
Original language: English, Spanish
A tutorial on subtitling and translating 3Speak videos, including converting audio and video to text, synchronizing subtitles, and exporting translations.

Splinters of Praetoria -Kingdom of Mar Toren - by @splinterlands
This post provides an overview of the Kingdom of Mar Toren in the Splinterlands lore, including its governance, economy, races, religions, and culture.

Bridging between Fediverse and Hive - by @hivetrending
This post discusses the bridging between the Hive network and the Fediverse, specifically focusing on the use of HivePosh and the integration of Webfinger technology.

Hive va a la Escuela - VIDEO Profesores ETIN La Victoria [ENG-ESP] - by @rutablockchain
Original language: English, Español
The post is about the 'Hive Va A La Escuela' project, where teachers were educated about web3 and Hive Blockchain. It includes a video summary of the experience at the school ETIN La Victoria.

WE ARE FILTHY RICH! Not with money, but with Crops! A well-spent weekend with my Oldies - by @ruffatotmeee
The post describes a weekend spent with the author's family visiting Aunt Velyn's house, enjoying fruits from the garden, and experiencing a health issue with the author's mother requiring a hospital visit.

A hidden gem in the city of Verona! - by @silviared945
This post introduces the Giardini Giusti, a Renaissance-style garden in Verona, Italy, with a historic palace. The gardens are considered one of the finest examples of Italian gardens and offer a magnificent panoramic view of the city.