I've always found your titles intriguing, and love hearing you read them. Great video. Love your explanations. These paintings seem a lot like writing haiku as @boxcarblue does it. Check his work out.
As for the woman/man thing, were you not the primary caregiver for your children? I imagine empty nest would be more difficult for the parent whose life would change more.
This is a great video, thank you very much for posting it, and yes, I did have a nice time. The conversation was good, and I have a better understanding of Stuckism.
I was the primary care giver. And boy did my life change!
Care-providing is an occupation I would get into again, but I don’t want a dog and I must love the people I am caring for. Looks like I’m stuck painting for the duration.
April 2020 was such a strange time. I am honored that you stopped by the exhibition:)Okay. I followed @boxcarblue. Thanks.