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RE: To Exhibit or Not to Exhibit

in #hive-engine9 months ago

Thank you for the kind words. Enthusiasm is fuel.
I agree. I am a horrible business person.
A Bob Dylan quote from the song “Poor Boy”:

“Hey how much you want for that
I’m going to the store
Man says three dollars
All right, I’ll give you four”

Making a living from art is nearly impossible. But that doesn’t mean I have stopped trying to help pay the bills. It’s a privilege to make art-making a full time endeavor. With that comes a lot of guilt to spouse and family, and a whole host of mental and physical adjustments necessary to “justify” a path nobody wants you to take. Meaning, not only did I write and paint, but I took over raising daughters, homeschooling them, cooking all meals, cleaning house, organizing schedules, pet care, lawn care, laundry work... Just so I could write books and paint pictures. I have been an artist for 30 years, but also a “house husband” (euphemism for maid and butler). And we know how much that job gets paid! So it’s like a double dose of occupations that don’t reward with honor or enough income to pay one’s share of the rent.
I understand that a dishwasher’s salary is a long shot with any art practice. It’s a reality for a million like-mined and acting people out there. It’s a never-ending guilt trip, when once in a while, I make a brief stop at the pity party to complain.
But then back on the path of the creative life. It’s truly wonderful!
Most days are very good. I am a very lucky, very stubborn man.

Whoa, I just noticed the curation. Thank you!


I am a very lucky, very stubborn man.

That’s the key, for both sides. 😁 Now I’m in your shoes with all the home stuff and trying to live the life I want to live. I understand your point very well. (And I’m very stubborn woman!) 🤗