Shut Your Mouth

in #hive-engine8 months ago

A Husband Wanting to Get His Wife to Tape Her Mouth Shut 2023. Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 18"

Wait, wait. Before you turn on your 21st century trope assessor® and cancel me out, please note that the title to the painting is literal—no double entendre here. I want to tape her mouth shut, in three places. A long horizontal strip across the lips, and two ends stuck vertically to hold the longer one in place all night long. It’s the only affordable way to insure a night of zero mouth-breathing. She won’t snore through her nose, and onset sleep apnea, along with most of its 6 billion dollar “treat the symptoms” industry, goes bye-bye like tooth decay from a daily flossing, brushing and cocaine regimen.


In 1875, Native American portrait painter George Catlin wrote a book titled, Shut Your Mouth and Save Your Life. His last written words were:

If I were to endeavor to bequeath to posterity the most important Motto which human language can convey, it should be in three words—Shut your mouth.

You can read it for free. No co-pay necessary.

Good health is so sick of the profit motive. I learned about Catlin’s research from the journalist James Nestor in his 2020 publication Breath. What I read changed my physical life for the better. Breathing techniques that make a tremendous impact on day-to-day health. Check it out of your local library.

Here is Mr. Nestor showing how to tape the mouth and make the CPAP profiteers angry mad:


Thanks so much for the reminder. I have been waking up tired, most mornings, for decades it seems and I am 'only' 42. I have had lung and nose issues, since my birth and always feel like I could/should breathe deeper and that that would lead to me feeling more energized and healthier.

Will give this a try, starting tonight. In fact, I am wearing a little piece of tape, right now, to breathe more consciously during the day.

I feel confident this is going to make a difference.✨

If you can get a hold of the book, or just an online forum about it, who knows? It might help:) Several of my friends use the CPAP machine for sleep apnea. I just couldn’t go down that route. I would rather wear tape than a headset to bed:)

No machines for me. I am not a cyborg.
Also, I don't necessarily think I have an apneu, plus I lost trust in Western 'Medicine' a long time ago and feel there's always more natural, easy ways, like using a thin strip of tape to induce nasal breathing :<)

Yup, I agree. I lost my faith in Western “medicine” too. I think it’s very good for some surgeries and pain relief. That’s about it.

You get it. Doctors did more damage to me than they helped me but this, combined with the insane job system, leading to burnout and depression, eventually led to me choosing a healthier life, in a country where I feel more at peace and a lot freer.✨

I have also seen what 25 to 30 years of heavy medication can do to a person ( my father ). He passed away 2 years ago, looking like 90 ( at the relatively young age of 72 ) and was a mirror for how I didn't want to end up ❤️

The same with my father last year.
It is sad when a culture instigates familial cautionary tales. I could never convince him that he was on drugs with too many unchecked side effects. The system has done good, but it is so warped these days.