Earth gonna explode

in #hive-engine2 years ago

July 2023 has been told as Earth’s hottest month,”Capernicus Reports “

Urbanisation and Industrialisation journey that started back in 18th century undisputedly marked ways of ultimate and utter progress .These progresses lead to civilisation and marvellous inventions.

But in the mean time when we were proceeding and progressing, we were also doing much harm to our planet. From 1880 to uptill now ,planet’s average temperature has raised approximately 1 *F.

Although climatic disaster is uniform for both developed and developing countries but it is causing much dilapidation for developing countries due to lack of basic infrastructure ,ability to diffuse emergency situation and poor health system.

Talking about Pakistan which last year suffered a loss of 1500 crore dollars plus losing hundreds of lives. Flood last year wrecked a great havoc .Even after passing one year ,victims are yet to settle properly.And now this again same disaster has got inception precipitating from northern areas.

Not only pakistan,many other countries like india,china,australia,canada and USA are also facing same climatic chaos.Floods in india has razed many buildings.Life has affected in many other regions of world mainly within last 10 years.

All these climatic changes are man made.Actions of man leading this planet towards disastrous state. For the sake of revolutions,natural phenomena are being disturbed .

Agricultural lands and forests are being cut down for building houses and buildings. And cutting of forests is the main cause which is galvanising global warming.

Trees are main source of carbon consumption. They barter oxygen for carbon di oxide. And this barter is in favour of man . Forests not only become cause of lowering temperature and bringing rain but they also act as barrier in case of floods . They act as habitat for diversity of life.

But man is destroying forests vehemently without considering its consequences. Destruction of forests is precipitating increase in temperature of earth tilting towards global warming.

Due to global warming ,glaciers are melting down rapidly.Even the region like antarcatica is going through melting zone.

Sea level is raising day by day along with many other alternations undergoing through it. Recently a tidal storm named Biperjoy was generated in Arabin sea which was of much force . That biperjoy though hasn’t hit shore of karachi but caused irregular and abrupt rains and sharp increase in temperature in coastline.

Ozone layer is depleting day by day due to which UV rays which have carcinogenic precipitates are reaching planet without filtration .

In short climate change is of grave concern these days as if Special attention isnt paid then it will cause huge losses and whole destruction.

Although many organisations and countries are trying to raise awareness but still no as such steps have been taken out.There is need of immediate and long lasting planning and thoughts.

A special attention should be paid towards planting new trees. Such steps should be encouraged in society through different favours.

•Use of plastic must be discouraged.

•Combustion of coal must be stopped as power source.

•Electricity should be generated through hydro or solar stations.

•Public transport should be preferred over private individual car.

•Agricultural land should not be used for urbanisation.

•Use of combustible gases should be alternated

•Hotels and houses should be avoided on the bank of river or in natural pathway of river.

•Steps should be taken to look earth green and increasing ability of earth to soak carbon gases

•Asia and pacific are producing 50% of greenhouse effect emission gases that should be curbed

For me ,Climate change and global warming is not of concern just for any nation ,county or continent but it is issue of whole world and if left untreated will sure one day explode earth making it unliveable.

Eager to listen you guys
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