Wie schon im letzten Report, versuchte ich diese Season auch in Wild ins Leaderboard zu kommen. Dies ist mir besser gelückt als gedacht und ich konnte in Modern auf der 10 und in Wild auf der 11 die Season beenden.

Match Report
Stat | #Wild | #Modern |
Rank | Silver #11 | Silver #10 |
Rating | 2681 - Silver I | 2892 - Silver I |
Rating High | 2681 | 2892 |
Ratio (Win/Loss) | 8.14 (171/21) | 5.02 (286/57) |
Longest Streak | 55 | 16 |

Tournaments Report
Tournament | League | Editions | Placement/#entrants | Ratio (Win/Loss+Draw) | Prize |
Poseidar Wild Silver Invitational | Silver | Open | 8/155 | 4.25 (17/4/0) | 390 SPS |
Summun Infuria Modern Silver Invitational | Silver | Open | 38/172 | 1.75 (7/4/0) | 27 SPS |
Scarred Hand Silver Cup | Silver | Cundefined | 25/85 | 1.75 (7/4/0) | 20 SPS |
Silvershield Academy Beginner Training | Silver | Open | 5/99 | 4.00 (16/4/0) | 40 SPS |
Summun Infuria Modern Silver Invitational | Silver | Open | 27/150 | 1.50 (12/8/0) | 69 SPS |
MUTERRA (RPG+TCG) on HIVE | Silver | Open | 8/353 | 4.50 (18/4/0) | 3 MALDIVES packs + 812.5 DEC + 15.625 SPS + 0.375 HBD |
MUTERRA (RPG+TCG) on HIVE | Silver | Open | 12/315 | 4.25 (17/4/0) | 3 MALDIVES packs + 2714.286 DEC + 54.286 SPS |
Reward | Count | Quantity |
Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) | 2 | 3526.786 |
SplinterShards (SPS) | 7 | 615.9110000000001 |
Hive Backed Dollars (HBD) | 1 | 0.375 |
Custom Prizes | 2 | n/a |
Fees (estimate) | Quantity |
SPS | 870 |
DEC | 5 |
Die Turniere liefen diesmal sehr gut und ich konnte einiges an SPS und Packs gewinnen.

Rewards Report
Standard Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 59 | 295 |
Rare | 9 | 180 |
Epic | 2 | 200 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Standard | 70 | 675 |
Gold Foil Cards
Rarity | Quantity | 🔥DEC🔥 |
Common | 0 | 0 |
Rare | 0 | 0 |
Epic | 0 | 0 |
Legendary | 0 | 0 |
Total Gold | 0 | 0 |
Loot Chests
Reward Chests | Dailies | Season | Total | 💲Token |
Legendary Potions | 45 | 0 | 45 | 🟡 1800 |
Alchemy Potions | 64 | 0 | 64 | 🟡 3200 |
DEC | 0 | 0 | - | 🟣 0 |
SPS | 16.939 | 0.000 | - | ⭐ 16.939 |
Merits | 560 | 0 | - | 🎀 560 |
CHAOS Packs | 1 | 0 | 1 | 🟡 4000 |
Cards (Total) | 70 | 0 | 70 | 🟣 675 |
Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)
Ranked Play Wins | DEC Earned |
457 | 🟣 0 + ⭐76.704 |
Total Ranked Play Rewards
Total Ranked Play Earnings |
🟣 4675 DEC |
🟡 9000 CREDITS |
⭐ 93.643 SPS |
Kartenglück habe ich leider keines und in Silber sind die Chancen dafür leider recht gering.

🟣 Rental Report
Type | DEC |
Revenue | 144.255 |
Expenses (inc. fees) | (16749.180) |
Cancellation Refunds | 1636.300 |
NET | (14968.625) |
Mit den Rentals bin ich bei knapp 15k DEC. Das ist eher im oberen Bereich, aber da ich in Wild auch im LB abgeschlossen habe, passt das soweit.

⭐ SPS Report
Type | ⭐ Amount |
Staking Rewards | 128.781 |
Ranked Rewards as above | 105.043 |
Brawl Rewards | 1206.113 |
NET SPS | 1439.937 |
+ Voucher Drops | 10.444 🎟️ |

Ich werden also wieder beide LBs spielen und evtl. versuche ich im Wildformat auch mal bis nach Gold zu stoßen um zu schauen was die Kisten dort zu bringen.
Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
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