Double the magic internet money for you Boomy, do not worry about your content - It will shine wherever.
Imagine if you paid 40 SBD a month to dive tirelessly into a copy of one chains data, and then another appeared. Big fat CBA at present for me!
Double the magic internet money for you Boomy, do not worry about your content - It will shine wherever.
Imagine if you paid 40 SBD a month to dive tirelessly into a copy of one chains data, and then another appeared. Big fat CBA at present for me!
Oh man!!! I actually thought about that last night. All the users of steemsql!! Nightmare.
Mibbe I will do a post or two and put you as a beneficiary!!
I hope so man. It feels like stating from the start a bit!!
Yeah, a bummer for arcange too. He's unlikely to spin a second SQL DB for Hive and would likely need to pick one or the other.
Don't worry about any beneficiaries, collect that SP, or HP, or both, for when I come up with some new content! :)
Yikes. I wonder what he will do. I guess and I don't like to say it out loud a lot of it will come to where the money is once things settle down. Then if they really do crank on with changes to the UX and the like maybe the nicest experience will win out.
Content, the elusive beast!!