Absolutely, I just didn't have time to write a reply before takeoff - I did write something on the plane though...
As you may have guessed, I am here due to my downvote - well done for finding my worst post for a long time.
I choose not to post daily because I have done what a social network allows, made some friends, and gathered a number of auto-votes. There is a level I must adhere to each time I produce a post, because I know it will be seen via the votes. I don’t enjoy this pressure, but there are worst things in life.
For this post, it tells me absolutely nothing I do not know, and therefore the value is 0 to me.
No big effort, I noticed it accidentally, as you are in my feed. I see no problem in publishing low effort posts, everybody can do whatever he likes, but what annoys me is that the ones who are responsible for the upvotes don't differentiate at all between great and not so great posts. That's exactly what I wrote about in my article (for me a confirmation again that what I wrote was a necessary reminder): HIVE is not really about content but about who wrote it. Some may like that, but I don't.
My first flag was and is nothing more than my expression to disagree with the post reward. Your flag (even if now you claimed the opposite) is a clear revenge flag (which of course is also not forbidden).
I agree with your post, it has been discussed many times. And I believe my single photo and small text contains more new information that what I have seen here.
You can believe whatever you like, but of course I completely disagree.
IF matters had been discussed often enough, then obviously we would be closer to solve the problem.
But people seem to be so happy about their circle auto votes, that they forget to think about the overall effect on the platform and also the HIVE price.
Considering the state of the platform that should be discussed several times daily. :)
It is discussed severely times daily, just people aren’t posting about it.
You want to talk about it with people who have ideas to solve it, google and find older posts - miniature-tiger is a good place to start.
The curation window in his mind (and I think mine too) should be removed. Your reward is based on stake and not timing, any good?
In any of these special 'secret-VIP-slacks'? :-)
I actually need not to use startpage (or any other search engine) to find ideas like removing the curation window because that's one of the thoughts I mentioned myself in that post which I linked here in this actual article.
I have written quite some posts about topics like that.
I also know @miniature-tiger who unfortunately seems not to post here anymore.
Things would only change if users with some influence cared about these topics and ideas, but it seems they are living in their own microcosm, patting each other on the back!
Yes, HIVE is frustrating, STEEM is frustrating, too, especially as the original idea of a blockchain based, decentralised social network, where good content gets rewarded, is (was?) just brilliant.