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RE: Rethinking curation on Hive

in #hive3 months ago

First thanks a lot for your essay.. You should write a post about it :-)

These are all great points. I think that hive needs to sell itself better. It needs more traffic, better SEO, external monetization and a growing user base. I believe we can get there by having a short message platform that actually rewards people for engaging and interacting. Few people are capable of writing 500 words posts but almost everybody can write short form content. When I write a snap, I check whether I get comments and upvotes almost on an hourly basis. I do the same for posts but I tend to make more snaps than posts. That just makes me come to the platform more often and stay longer. The more interaction we have, the more traffic and the more the mouth to mouth marketing could emerge. In addition with the hive reward pool, we have a great tool to incentivise all that :-)