Who knows how long it will last, but congratulations to the buyer and woe to the sellers. Hive is on the move and is a standout today.
I've long thought that Hive is the most volatile of the volitile cryptos. I hold trying to keep HBD stable as a main cause. It means when the price is going down Hive tanks harder than most, and when price is on the rise it'll spike harder than most.
One thing I'm happy about this start of the cycle is that Hive doesn't seem to lag as far behind other projects in how it's price is moving. A few years back with Steem it would seem like every project other than Steem would pump first. Hive strikes me as responding to the market faster than Steem did back in the day.
I'm enjoying at least a temporary pause here at 31 cents and I'm personally looking forward to big gains in the next 12-18 months as the bull cycle returns.
I'll do my best to remember to take profits along the way. There's no better way to buy back in cheaper than that.
aanndddddd its gone :(
Imagine being one of those that said that about Apple or Amazon. The big winners seldom give second chances to get in, and even fewer to get back in after selling. 😉
True that
Are we going to the moon?
Hive is on the moon 🌙 already.
Not sure if this is true, but maybe some live behind it ;) JJoking
Strong fundamentals. Long term HoDler!
Pretty good!
Hang on!

Maybe I should buy some more Hive for my account. It's tempting from a financial standpoint but part of me wants to see how far I can go on simply earning Hive through my own efforts. Then again it might be a very long time before that gets me anywhere :-)
buy high. sell low. :)
This is and always will be welcomed news!!!!!!!