Personal Pinned Reference List of Hive Apps

in #hive4 months ago (edited)

This post is mostly for my own reference, and I'll be pinning it on my blog for regular editing/updating whenever the mood takes me.

Please consider it as a permanent work in progress !

Image created by AI in NightCafe Studio

It's basically a table of all the different Hive Apps, Dapps, Front ends and Utilities I've been able to find.

It started as an Excel spreadsheet, but then I though hey, I might as well share my hard work, someone else might find it useful !

In some cases all I know so far is the name, in other cases they are things I use regularly. There are lots and lots of gaps, which I'll hope to fill on an ongoing basis. Eventually I hope to have at least tried to go to each of them and establish if they're still live and working. It may take some time....

I've organised the table by the type of application, because I found that more useful than the initial alphabetical listing in Excel. Someone needs to make a way to create tables in Hive that can be ordered and filtered 😏

Quite a bit of the initial information is drawn from - thank you to whoever did all the work there !

Of course, at the rate new things are being developed, and with the depth some of these places go to, there aren't enough years in a lifetime to do more than scratch the surface of all Hive has to offer !

Hive Divider3.jpg

Edit 14th December 2024 - added details to fill in gaps for another 20 or so projects, added a few others I'd found or been told about. I also took the @ symbol off the start of the user names of the project owners; I realised it was tagging them with every tiny edit to this post, and that might get annoying fast 😁.

Hive Divider3.jpg

NameURLStatusTypeWhat It DoesKey PersonNotes
AccountCreate creation toolAccount creationreazuliqbal Signup creation toolmahdiyari
Hiveinvite creation toolpharesim
Infestor creation toolemrebeylerWebsite down, no updates since 2020
HE Explorer ExplorerAllows exploration of Tribe token transactionsreazuliqbal
Hive Explorer Explorer
Hive is Beautiful Explorerhivetranding, beardflexWebsite inaccessible
Hive.Ausbit.Dev ExplorerausbitbankQuoted as working prototype/beta in Hive Blog
Hive-DB ExplorerjestaTaken offline due to database failure
Hivetasks ExplorerLots of useful utilities in one placefernandosoder
BeemEnginehttps://www.beemengine.comOfflineBotPost promotion & curation tool
delegationOnboardBot delegation of HIVE power to newly created accountsholger80Page not found in Github
Find Hive bot that will display any Hive account detailspakgamer
Freakazoid bot - idetifies comments where it is mentionedinertia
HIVE Archaeology Bot bot that allows its owner to up-vote older postspibara
Hive AutoClaim claim Hive, Tribe Token & HBD rewardsarcange
HiveBot automation via simple APIali-h
HiveDiscoMod bot to look up Hive user detailsyaziris
Kanibot notification service for Tribes & Hive Engine tokensbala41288
Karaka prototypeBotAutomation for Hive and Hive-Engine to manage tokens across multiple accountsstormroseIncludes tutorials. Yay !
Pizza Discord Bot bothivetrending, thebeardflex, stickupboys
Pizzabot for tipping Hive-Engine tokens in Hive commentshivetrending, thebeardflex
PizzaBoxhttps://www.hive.pizzaWorking prototypeBotDiscord Bot focused around awareness and onboardinghivetrending, thebeardflex
Poshbot to find tweetsw linking to Hive contentthemarkymark, poshbot
Steem Prunerhttps://steempruner.engrave.devLiveBotRedirects Steem posts to the Hive equivalentengrave
tagbot upvotes for posts with a specific tagemrebeyler
Telegram HIVE Notifier
Universal Hive Bot prototypeBotAutomates basic Hive tasksassassyn
Votefun voting for Hive posts from Discordrishi556
beempy Line InterfaceA python library to interact with the HIVE blockchain
Beatzchain communitypolarmystroSeems to have launched as a community not a Dapp
Cub Finance
Leo Bridges
Hivelist Network, Retail Market, NFT Marketplace, DEFI PoolLive but seems janky
beebay platform including products & servicessmooms, quekery, kaeptn-iglo
Blocktrades longer live, due to regulations
Dswap Engine based trading platformaggroed, cryptomancer, bait002, lion200No KYC, not just Hive tokens
Hive Loanshttps://Hive.LoansOfflineExchangeHive lending platform with account as collateralKlyeDomain name comes up as for sale
Hivedexhttps://hivedex.ioLiveExchangeHive trading platformmahdiyariMy favourite ! Cheaper than Ecency for buying HBD
LeoDex - not just Hivesteem.leo
LogicSWAP KYC exchange that includes HIVENot on Hive blockchain
Mundobot Discord botpleo1542
Wrapped Hivehttps://www.whive.networkPossibly offlineExchangeEnables swaps to ERC20 WHIVEfbslowebsite times out
3Speak EndVideoUploads seem to be up again after technical problems
Actifit EndActivity/fitness tracking app, plus yield farm and market
blog.suseona.comhttps://blog.suseona.comLiveFront EndLite front endpishio
D.Buzz EndShort formchrisrice, nathansenn
Ecency endLong form, short form, proposals,good-karmawitnesses screen down ?
Hive Blog endLong form, witnesses, proposals
Hive TubeFront End
InLeo endShort form, long form
LiketuFront End
PeakD endLong form, short form, Spark, witnesses, proposalsasgarth
Proof of Brainproofofbrain.ioOfflineFront EndDead front end, but great token !website expired
Proof of Brain.bloghttps://www.proofofbrain.blogOfflineFront EndDead front end, but great token !
Skate HypeFront End
STEMSocial redevelopmentFront EndbambukahLast update was 3 years ago
The BBH Project endLong formbradleyarrow
VimmFront End
WaivioFront End
WeAreAlive End
WorldmappinFront End
Ape Mining Club mining gamethemarkymark, apeminingclub
AquaShop shop simulator gamemunchiesmcgeewebsite produces privacy error warning
Astral Revelations play2own RPGspiritsurge, entrepidusLast update Dec 2022. Surgent Gaming post Jan 2024 had little more info
Astral WarsGame
Crypto ShotsGame
Ethgard Legends card (NFT) GameNew
Genesis League SportsGame
Immortal CreedGame
King of DuelsGame
Rise of the PixelsGame
Rising StarGame
Splinterlands one and only Splinterlands !
Terracorehttps://www.terracoregame.comLiveGameSciFi strategy game
Wrestling Organisation OnlineGame
EpicDice - gamblingDecentralised gamingplatformepicdicewebsite produces privacy error warning
Hive Slot Gameshttps://hiveslotgames.comLiveGame - gamblingPlay slots, poker, dice and other classic casino games to win Hivehiveslotgames
Hive-Roller - gamblingklye
Krypto Gamers - gamblingPlenty of different gameskryptogamesAutomatically brings up Keychain login
Lucksackshttps://lucksacks.comUnknownGame - gamblingPoker leaguebethaleawebsite produces privacy error warning
Supperlottery - gamblingVarious lotteriestobias-glacks FAQ
Dapp Radar App DirectoryGeneric Web3 App explorer
Hive Projectshiveprojects.ioLiveHive App DirectoryList of 190+ Hive apps
Beeswap EngineMove HIVE to/from Tribe, trade, stake & delegate Tribe tokens
distribubot EngineIdentifies commands in comments & distributes rewardsholger81
HEPayer EngineA node js script for Tribe token airdropseturnerx
Hive Enginehttps://hive-engine.comLiveHive EngineMove HIVE to/from Tribe, create, trade, stake & delegate Tribe tokens
HIVE Monitor EngineHive Engine witness listprimersion
MultiStaker EngineTribe tokens - claim rewards, stake/unstake, transfer tokensbambukahPart of HiveLive
TokenDistrib EngineTool to enable communities to distribute Tribe token rewardsbambukahPart of HiveLive
Tribaldex EngineTribe tokens - claim rewards, stake/unstake, transfer tokensaggroedIncludes witnesss
HIVE/HBD Businesses Friendly Business LocatorGoogle maps utilityPublished 23rd Jan 2023 - unsure if updated since then
Hive Desktop InterfaceA pyqt5 based desktop app for the hive blockchain.holger80Appears not to have updated since 2020
Hive Discoverhttps://www.hive-discover.techOfflineHive InterfaceContent finderaction-chain, christopher2002Website inaccessible
Hive World Trade Center…ConceptHive InterfaceWork/service exchangenewparadigmtt
Reverio InterfaceQ&A Platformtobias-gWebsite expired
Steemfiles InterfaceFeed with both Steem and Hive postsleprechaunLive, but seems really broken
The Hive Mobile Apphttps://the-hive-mobile.appLiveHive InterfaceHive feed optimised for mobile viewingsagarkothari88
Hive PunksNFT
Hive Pay UtilityWebsite no longer live
Hive Stream UtilityEnables your stream to receive donations in HIVEbambukahPart of HiveLive
reward.app UtilityEnables HP rewards to be paid as liquid HIVE rewardscardboard and acidyo1% fee for using the service
BeemEngineProgramming Tool
Go-HiveProgramming Tool
Hive Astro Loader Content Layer loader - allows embedded Hive content in personal blogsmciszczon
Hive Chain DocumentationProgramming/Development
Hive Developer Portal devlopment documentatin, links etc.A goldmine !!
Hive Library For PHP Library of functions for use within HivebambukahPart of HiveLive
Network Status small developer API to have Hive, Hive-Engine or HiveSQL network statusbambukahPart of HiveLive
Direct RC Delegation Delegation UtilityWebsite unreachable
Hive Searcher utility
AnnRamblingsSpecialised Hive Interface
AuthentikaSpecialised Hive Interface
CoffeeShop.GiftsSpecialised Hive Interface
cXc MusicSpecialised Hive Interface
dBlogSpecialised Hive Interface
HaveyoubeenhereSpecialised Hive Interface
Hive Image SearchSpecialised Hive Interface
HivelandSpecialised Hive Interface
HiveRSSSpecialised Hive Interface
Hive-TubeSpecialised Hive Interface
HyperionSpecialised Hive Interface
HypnoChainSpecialised Hive Interface
InkitoSpecialised Hive Interface
KolonySpecialised Hive Interface
LensySpecialised Hive Interface
LeoMobileSpecialised Hive Interface
MemehubSpecialised Hive Interface
personal.communitySpecialised Hive Interface
PinmappleSpecialised Hive Interface
PropolisSpecialised Hive Interface
RandomHiveSpecialised Hive Interface
SuperHive Hive InterfacePersonalised blog creator, content management systembambukahPart of HiveLive
TerriveSpecialised Hive Interface
TravelfeedSpecialised Hive Interface
HBD Stats tracking utilityTracks HBD statsdalzUseful for quick view of HBD debt
Hive Coder Geek tracking utilityLive wallet monitor
Hive Engine Monitor tracking utilityHive engine witness trackerprimersionSome useful Hive Engine links
Hive Now tracking utilityLive transaction tracking by userpenguinpablo
HIVE-_SBI tracking utilityTrack SBI status
Hivebuzz tracking utilityarcange
Hivestatshttps://hivestats.ioLiveStatus tracking utilityGood for viewing curation APR
Portfoliohttps://portfolio.dtools.devLiveStatus tracking utilityView value of any user account portfolioreazuliqbal
HiveBlocks utilityLive blockchain transaction monitorUseful Hive witnesses/tribe post at
Hive Gadgets, Tip token monitor, Invest statistics, Swap.Blurt, Terracore
Hive Toolshttps://hive-tools.ioLiveUtilityHive bounty, Language scanner, Hivewatchers blacklistthezyppi
GIFUhttps://gifutoken.ioLiveWalletWllat & exchange for GIFU token.Plans to expand to GIF platform
Hive Authentication ServicesWallet
Ledger App HiveWallet
V4V Appv4v.appLiveWalletBTC Lightning wallet for Hivev4vapp
Hive Blockchain Witnesses ToolWitness list. Seems slightly slower than PeakD but more informationarcange
Hive-Price-Feed ToolFeeds price data from Coingeckosuperoo7
transmitter ToolCLI tool for HIVE blockchain witnesses. Allows quick enable/disableemrebeyler
Votify ToolEnables voting for Hive Engine witnessesdannychainLive, but seems broken
Witness Price Feed ToolPrice feed tool for witnessesdrakos
Witness Schedule ToolShows witnesses lined up to make blocksarcangeSpookily addictive
Arcade Colony
Big Dog Bone
City Farm
DiD Craft Beer Brewery
dPollhttps://dpoll.xyzOfflineWebsite redirect to ISP advert
Golem Overlord
Hive Account Recovry
Hive Alive
Hive Analytics
Hive at AusbitOfflineLink in Hive Blog goes to placeholder image
Hive Block Explorer
Hive dApp Menu
Hive Engine Tools
Hive Inbox
Hive Librarian no longer live - Herokuapp development platform is still up.
Hive Node Beacon
Hive Notifications
Hive Post Downloader
Hive Reblogger
Hive Scribe
Hive SQL for Ruby
Hive Together
Hive What times out
I Love PeakD
Native Ads
NFT Frappe
Ocean Planet
Podping on Hive
Psyber X
Serfdom & Sorcery
Splinter Royale
VSC Network
Wrapped Hive Engine Tokens

Hi, great list. Account Create isn't offline. The live URL is without the www -

Thank you ! I've just updated it - I realised that I'm inadvertently tagging creators in it, but it actually turns out that might be beneficial

There are so many. There have been some directories, but it's hard to keep track of them all.

Yep ! I've realised that I could never use all of the apps to their full potential, there's easily multiple lifetimes of work to do that. I'm not going to commit to keeping the list fully up-to-date or anything, although I'll work towards it.

My starting point was the number of times I've thought to myself "I wonder if there's a Hive app that does X, I'm sure I saw it somewhere" - if I've got it on a list, then at least I can go to look and see if it's still live.

Hey! Great work !

I hope this list will be the most exhaustive one! If you what to add my projects, just follow the website :)

Thank you ! I've just updated it to include them. It's definitely going to be a long-term work in progress, each time I get told about something to add, I check a few others to gradually fill in the gaps 😀

Great list! Will have to check some of these out, as I don't know all of them!

There's also Hive Astro Loader which I've built recently. Would be nice for it to be included here :)

Thank you ! I've added Astro Loader to my master spreadsheet, so it'll be included when I next update. After realising I've made a monster, I'm tending to accumulate data and then do an update about once a week 😀

Awesome! Thank you!

7th ( Not working from link in post. But it May be problem with my mobile internet.

Yeah, it seems to be offline. The third column of my spreadsheet is "status", but I need to find a way to make all the columns visible in all the different Hive front ends. In Ecency it just hides them, but in PeakD I can use the3 arrow keys to move across the rows.

Now THIS is truly amazing -- THANK YOU

Thank you 😀 It's going to take a while before it starts looking all filled in ! I'll have to find a way to wrap the text, the spreadsheet is wider than the screen....

Great work, thank you 🙂

@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(9/100)@alonicus! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.

(html comment removed: )

Great work. !PIZZA


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(2/15) @nastyforce tipped @alonicus

I find this very interesting.well done