or so it appears,
I'm in the discords if you would like to flesh out this claim.
Minds.com has encrypted chat and will sign you up without an e-mail.
Or, we can do it here, up to you.
seem to also be personally targeted
This isn't hard to achieve here.
One bite of the hand feeding us and they seem to get triggered.
Most of our whales have built this for us at a fraction of what it would cost us to get their labor in the market, if I was the type to get triggered I could see it.
I don't believe for a minute that the largest holder has less than 1%, not from a group of people that initially had more than 80% and reset the chain because their miner went offline and somebody beat them to the punch.
Granted plenty of bag holders bought in, but who sells themselves that short?
That is not a control freak trait, iyam.
The only suggestion I can give is to continue to put out 'good' original content and build an audience that outweighs them, or succumb.
Up to you.
This is just how the crab bucket is functioning, atm.