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RE: What the heck is going on, Hivezens?

in #hive5 years ago

You gotta do what you do, and I agree, stinc, et al, screwed us.
Why I continue to place faith in the code is that it is working, at this point.

Should that working persist, the dream is still alive.
Sad that we have to wait for the rich people to have their way with us and tire of us, but that is the broader system as we have been given it.
People can't really play that out different without being different.

They don't know what they don't know, nor that they don't know it.

Most of us are lost in our little bubbles.
Which while not all bad, breaks down when other people become involved.
In a public forum like this one, the broader consensus will have to battle with the inertia of the old ways in all of us.

I'm just glad to get off the forums, those things were nightmares, to me.
A few daily users, a couple board nazis, and in a place <100 people will ever likely see.

This is much better than that, to me, at this time. 0.o