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RE: Your stakeholders are preventing the adoption of Hive.

in #hive5 years ago

It is a very interesting question you pose.

You are saying that whale downvoting and the "negativity" that goes with it is a consequence of the Hive system.

But in my view the Hive system IS adapted to human group behaviour. That includes both positive and negative feedback, inequalities of power and the fact that new entrants to a community have to learn the (often unwritten) rules of acceptable behaviour.

These are key features of ALL human communities. This is true across cultures and since the dawn of time. It is even true of primate communities.

Part of the reason that centralised social media is so toxic and uncivil is that there are no community consequences for bad behaviour, only the massive sledgehammer of centralised banning. There is nothing at stake. Having only positive feedback mechanisms is extremely problematic as it goes against human nature.

It is centralised social media that has got human behaviour terribly wrong with devastating consequences for the world.