porn hacks and reality.

in #hive3 months ago

it's purely based on my experience and perspective. and i try to understand an issue from all aspects from mental health, financial status and freedom to live their lives according to basic human emotions and many aspects. so if someone feel my perspective and thought is wrong be open to commenting something with sense.

It is sad some girls are forced and harmed by some teams even sadest is few cheap teams use such girls to benefit from such girls in the name of doing justice there will be 70% of women having sex in their teens however one or 2 girls like this girl 13 yrs back was abused, ppl are not telling her to live a normal life instead telling her to feel like sad soul for years and acting like they helping her by treating like a victim, accused and abused the fact is this so-called activist need attention and use such rare cases and act like they are doing good and gain benefits, This girl is from mainstream team who made rules to reverse engineering team who made rules to fck up the whole public by psychology tricks to manipulate the public. the ones who made rules to direct in a certain way so mainstream can survive. expect cops CIA or teams who fight such crimes the ones who abuse women and sex workers I have not seen any other ppl abusing women more than the government, they jail them they abuse them verbally, psychically put them in jail and for years they have to go to court cases spend their money and to top that they will be abused by societies, especially from women and gays so I wonder who is abusing women in the societies in modern times. or my perspective is wrong please correct me having said about the pron industry is maintained by mainstream content creation leaders and business brands who create rules for them and is these rules benefit any common man woman or gay no the rules are simple no one should fall in love with women from porn industry so they make sure they treated women in the lowest possible ways and give them dirty scripts low-level direction camera angles and frequencies which affect the normal brain of your kids and all the rules and tactics started from military camps/labs from ww2 it's so clear some of the vintage porns are created manly for that experiment to fckup brains of ppl who watch them that's called reverse engineering of the brain which will easy to be hypnotized and controlled easily, with the help of some chemicals or tactics they will control ppl who watch such shit. anyways in modern in 2024 most of the activists in top countries are full of shit they only care for controlling the sex workers or ppl related to them they are using pornhub first they are behind that site because they have maximum data and making money which now the government teams want to control them this teams will have all the access of every single user and they will use some experiments on ppl who have a high sex drive or straight men and women and make them to do as they like and some maybe targeted to the point they will be censored and give them only fake content and options to the lowest levels. there are so many tricks and tactics they can use to their targeted subjects and act like they have done good to their public only option for them is to be a slave and be controlled but to the public and in the media they are called saviours. lets take for example the ppl they rescued from workers gangs. are they even allowed to live a decent life or lifestyles? i don't if someone can show me a real example itl be good to know after recue what happens to them not just one or 2 girls from slums or top level show some real examples from all classes or maximum in numbers. i understand recurring real young underage like 10 12 14 yrs old being exploited for sex that is good thing the government team does however if they are separating such kids from their families who are in the business for generations their kids also bond to do the same if we separate such ones from their families what other option are we giving them to survive int he societies, so educating such families to treat their kids as kids and provide them education till they get mature and chose what they could like to do with their lives and societies should not treat such kids bad they should be allowed in the societies with same respect if the choose to live a different life or professions. and going to a girl or boy and telling them they were victims just because they had sex in their teens is also stupidity and should ashamed to make kids feel they are victims or guilty and should be ashamed because they had sex with love consent with some good pure intentions if anyone id mature and educated enough they will know it's a normal emotion for humans to feel to have sex because its the best emotions which adults cannot control at times. so stop treating ppl bad if they have sex unless it affects others in some religions and country 16yr is considered an adult in 18yr and only sex education is needed for young teens to have safe sex and feel good about it but they ways this greedy corporate and teams act on social media fcking ppl won't have sex and should not have sex to the fullest or feel good so they can monetize them, and I could love to know the real effects on young adults how their mental and psychical health changes a full proper study should be done with full transparency and honesty. teach them how to have safe sex and with some safe ppl instead of not teaching what is right and confusing them and their parents so some business/ecosystem can thrive. have some shame calling your selfs educated and mature adults if you try to teach shit to your young teens about sex because withing 5yrears or 10yrs they will be fully grown adults and know what all lies you told them and manipulated them. I am talking about young almost adults, not some 10 or 12yrs so don't fcking connect this for that and keep talking senseless dumb shit like mainstream dumb activists who fight to get popularity or benefits. since I am forced to be single for decades i have only option left is porn and i have been watching porn when i was 13yrs i guess and all the boys i knew started watching the same age i guess that time it all started with magazine midnight shows on tv and internet gave it liberation for many young adults, that's how all the public were in 80s 90s born are girls boys everyone use to watch and forget it was not even a big deal it was just a normal thing which adults watch but nowadays this celeb rich jobless kids with some trans activists everything is become and issues, these celeb kids see their parents life fckedup because they get to have sex with many and they think the whole world is like that and jobless with money they create lot of deepfake with deepfakes stories and secret agent creating a load of deepfake videos for sexual content with dirty ideas and ways it will make humans to fuck themselves especially common public who goeas to job 9 to 6 and before sleep maybe enjoy watching porn will get fcked for being decent guy or girl by watching deepfake shit. the main thing they do is 2 male gays having sex like 2 men having sex but it will be a deepfake of women and men or some psycho trans boy with another trans boy acting like girls and most of these deepfakes can be easily spotted they all will have some kind of sex scripts one decent looking with one ugly or kind of handicaps threesome one acting like a trans girl and camera angles showing from the lowest level, feet and never show the women fully or never show men fully. this kind of content is easily found in the USA and, UK followed by Russian and Chinese content, especially incest content is all created by some teams from the CIA or the military all this content will have similar dialogue name calling and camera angle frequencies which will turn them from being straight to gay or some psychologies damage for regular users. and the same rules are given to anyone who gets into the porn industry and mainstream porn is only for the dumbest and most desperate. all fake tits and damaged pornstars ugly or trans-men-turned women nothing good is there watching mainstream porn you will learn all dumb shit that is not real. before it was equal to trans men gays and straight ppl being who they are real and how they really have sex now its all mixed and only used to get their targets and many will be decided by internet gay tech giants who think having sex with women is wrong and make rules according to that and who became gay by watching too much porn created by secret agencies created to reverse engineering brains and the cycle keeps circling in all the levels. Anyway, if you really want to do good they will stop creating dirty cheap content and stop unwanted propaganda using different genders to manipulate and teach wrong things to the kids and you adults. I am watching the same 100 porn videos from 15yrs i guess because they have good decent looking pornstars and decent view/angles and decent drama direction also maly first its about the girl how she looks then directions and angles and titles its all same team treated with psychology tricks to attract based one human psychology which is more personal romantic real perfect balance of luv and lust, its hardly 100 videos in billion videos that's the ratio of the porn videos which have chance to watch and its just 10mins in 2 hr video you should skip all the dirty tricks and watch which is good for yu brain. hope these hacks help ppl not get affected by videos created by some dirty teams who want to fckup your mental and physical health and they call themselves in public has saviours. so for those teams, i know you all have a script and job to keep and you dont have the freedom or power to change it but at least be reasonable and stop damaging ppl who just watch the same porn for decades that's alls all legal porn. and stop acting like psycho rulers and go behind girls and women who might have lied 1 or 2 years to get into the job which is the only option for them and lied like any other sector its common for some to lie 1 or 1 year ages to get i to a job, it clearly says you angry because they did not follow the rules than doing good be more human then dumb machines one 2 exceptions will always be there are more mature and will do what no matter what not. and government if i have nothing against teams I am against only with few rules and laws which affect the common public in the wrong ways as a spectator i say things and i have done many good ideas for the whole country and world also and if i think and say some of they ways your team uses is wrong and they should be educated the difference btw good and bad. if we should fix issues it should be in the best ways possible in more human ways, not some psychopaths who are only worried about rules and punish those who don't or ask questions. please stand for higher realities than fake lies societies. does not matter which side you are the matter is what is your intentions. let's create civilised, mature sophisticated Scotties where adults young ones and kids thrive and live better lives. what i have said is just 10% maybe so do your own research and judge from the highest and most evolved ways then maybe can understand better. read multiple times each sentence before coming to some conclusions.