Fraude em estrofes - Rosas Vermelhas e Cogumelos Mágicos

in #hive2 years ago (edited)

This is what the newest type of fraud looks like. They generate poetry under 50 words that can't be traced by conventional methods and it is written in their native language, so it looks as if it is unlikely to be generated. This is why it is useful to follow Hivewatchers' monthly report. It is unlikely it will save you from everything but it will give you pretty good grounds not to spend your time and stake on frauds.

I upped this "poem" with generated AI art and wrote bilingual in Portuguese. If I gonna channel some pirates that want to rob a few pieces of eight I can as well write it in Portuguese. Generated AI art can be incredibly believable. Mistakes, sketches, and everything else.

The post is not monetized.


Fraude em estrofes - Rosas Vermelhas e Cogumelos Mágicos

Rosas vermelhas, belas e ardentes,
Em jardins, paixões elas despertam,
Desabrocham com amor e perfumes,
Encantam olhares, corações conquistam.

Cogumelos mágicos, do bosque encantado,
Segredos escondidos, mistérios revelados,
Com suas cores vivas e poderes ocultos,
Nos transportam a mundos além dos sonhos.


Fraud in stanzas - Red Roses and Magical Mushrooms

Red roses, beautiful and fiery,
In gardens, they awaken passions,
Blossoming with love and perfumes,
Captivating gazes, winning hearts.

Magical mushrooms, from the enchanted woods,
Hidden secrets, mysteries unveiled,
With their vibrant colors and hidden powers,
They transport us to worlds beyond dreams.