A tag that you can't take off!

in #hive3 months ago (edited)


You know somethin', Utivich? I think this just might be my masterpiece!

That's how the movie Inglourious Basterds ended. It is widely considered Tarantino's magnum opus. Whether it is or it is not doesn't matter and it is not really up for debate, it matters because that is what Tarantino himself thought. That is what makes the last scene iconic. This movie is so many things at the same time. It is about fighting for the underdogs. It is about doing the right thing, no matter the consequences. It is about sticking it to them German Nazis.



Brad Pitt did amazing southern accent in this movie. In this last scene he is talking about giving Hans Landa a tag that he can't take off. So that people always identify him as a Nazi SS German, no matter where he is in the world.

I don't blame ya! Damn good deal! And that purty little nest you feathered for yourself. Well, if you're willing to barbecue the whole high command, I 'spose that's worth certain considerations. But I do have one question. When you get to your little place on Nantucket Island, I 'magine you're gonna take off that handsome-lookin' S.S. uniform of yours, ain'tcha?

Eli Roth did the character of "the bear jew". In this other iconic scene he uses his baseball bat to great effect. Tarantino likes the building up of tension. So the camera focuses for a long time on the Nazi officer's face as Eli Roth walks in the darkness through the tunnel while hitting his baseball bat on the wall. The tension builds as the victim counts his last remaining moments of life as he hears the sound of the bat. Then when you get hit by the bat, all the 'bravery' disappears:)

Tarantino is a big fan of spaghetti westerns directed by Sergio Leone, especially The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Remember the Mexican Stand Off scene? Remember how long it was?!

Yeah, Tarantino is heavily influenced by this movie. The close up of the faces, and the music! Oh I must comment on Ennio Morricone's music! He did it in 1966 and he did it in 2009! I sometimes can't believe how iconic and time transgressive his music is!

This is the tune Rabbia E Tarantella by Ennio Morricone. This is the title seququence at the end of the movie. It includes the stills from the movie, which are perhaps some of the best stills I have ever seen.

I hate racism

It is on the rise. It is on the rise in the US and all over the world. Mostly because of the right wing extremism and populist culture that is on the rise globally. We must stop it. We must thwart it. The way we do it is to tag the people who are racist. Once racist - always racist.


The above screenshot is from an imbecile named @twinner, that discord ID is his alt. It was written during one of his nighttime drunk rants at Splinterlands tavern. Although he was drunk, he was smart enough to delete the message, but not before I got a screenshot. The racist moron is now banned from that discord. I like for him to listen to the end title of the Inglourious Basterds, and the amazing music by Morricone. It will remind him to look into the shadows on his way out of any tavern drunk.

Regarding the use of toilet paper, I have a great video to share.

There are lot of Indians around you twinner. Lots of them are CEOs of the companies that controls the world. They have more power, education, and social currency than you can possibly even imagine. They are everywhere, and a rising ethnic group in all aspects of society. So don't think for a second that you can say whatever you want and get away with your racist remarks. Because YOU CAN NOT!

Disclaimer: Since this is the age of internet, none of the text or video above is there to invoke any physical or emotional harm or threat to any individual or entity. It is posted on my personal blog for entertainment puposes only.


Wow. That's pretty fucked.

Fucked? Hell yes :)

Surprised? Hell No!

No unfortunately

This guy likes to live in the past and say the same thing over and over again. Trouble is the dead weights like this makes our social interactions toxic. I have been trying to get rid of them for ages but they are like fucking blood sucking ticks! ;)

Seeing you being somehow overweight, I understand your obsession with dead weight. Have you tried eating less?

inglorious basterds is a masterpiece, the opening scene alone is amazing. Pulp fiction might be my favourite Tarentino film though. Django is another brilliant one with an even stronger anti-racist theme. The rise in far right politics in the UK and Europe as a whole seems to be similar to the US. I believe the media/news has a lot to blame for blowing things out of proportion (the "they're stealing our jobs" headlines, among others)

Stealing the job is a popular headline for Trump here. The trouble is: do you think Salim the neurosurgeon and Iranian American can be replaced by Bill Bubba the redneck from West Virginia? The answer is NO. Also Bill Bubba won’t get up at 4am to clean chickens or work at a steel mill. Alfanso Escobar from Honduras will. And Alfanso is neither a rapist nor a drug dealer. He is a family man.

not going to lie I've had to google who Bill Bubba is. I'm going to have to do some research 😂

Bill Bubba search won't give you the right result. In US it is just a proverbial term for something that Hillary Clinton called 'deplorable', arguably the comment that lost her the election to Trump. It was the start of the anti-ellite movement.

The phrase is used by many, especially one of my fav authors Bill Bryson in the book I'm a Stranger Here Myself.

Haha thats good to know, I was getting Bill "Bubba" Bussey and thinking what's the relevance of this guy? I get the reference now, thanks for clearing that up.

Pulp Fiction or Inglorious Bastards, dada? Which do you like more?


It’s hard to choose between the two.

This is probably the best interrogation scene of all time!

This is probably the best interrogation scene of all time!

Agreed! I've watched it more than 10 times. Minimum! 😂

Sorry you had to deal with it. It seems these days in US there are a lot of people who feel threatened by outsiders and not just those whos skin color is different. If you were not born here you could be targeted. BTW, never seen this Tarantino movie, I should watch it.

Targeted yes for sure. However, it is better if 'they' target me, because I not only have the resources to defend myself, but also have the resources to crush them. I worry about people who can't defend themselves. That is the reason we thawrt them hard and nip this curse in the bud if you can.

It's definitely getting horrible all over. I don't remember the Clint Eastwood one, though I have seen most all his stuff. I was like very young when I saw it. The other one though I definitely remember. It has some great scenes.

It is widely available now. Amazon prime video, Netflix etc. Yes it has spectacular scenes and amazing music!

I'll have to circle back to it sometime.

When I studied in a Soviet school in the 1980s, we were told that there was racism in the United States. In the USSR, in our school, on the contrary, we looked at a Cuban boy and girl as some kind of miracle, and many wanted to make friends with them. What was good about our upbringing was that we were told about the friendship of different nations and that there are no chosen nations.

Growing up in India, it was about the same for me. We have our own problems with religion, but most times it was not at the surface. In the US, depending on where you are today, it can be challenging. That said, being a brown guy in US, I have never been a victim on my face. Perhaps that is because of my imposing character. However, whenever I have seen it happen I have been able to crush it. We have to continue to do that.

He says he sold but still holds 50k+$

What more I need to know?

Put your money where your mouth is.

Let's assume, he changed his mind. If he made an update about selling all, didn't it make sense to update about his change of mind?

(dlm wrote the comment then went into the abyss to wash his ass one more time before he goes to sleep, just to be sure.
The legend says, wiping is good but washing is better. Do better!

I don't care what twinner does in his personal time or what he does with his money. Crossing my path that way has consequences.

Put your money where your mouth is. Or where my mouth is. :-)

Damn! I had no idea you have a mouth! Learning new things every day.

Well, most people have a mouth. You need to go back to school for biology lessons. The mouth is a part of the digestive system.

But why do you edit your stuff? You should know that this is a blockchain, and everyone can see what you wrote first.

Well, again you could not have a dialogue and had to do some public shaming?

Even if it is not the polite way to say, but there is a fact, that India or Bhārat, how it is else know, is one of the leading countries in open defecation. It is known that the government is trying to change that, and it improved by a lot in the past 20 years, but still, it is a major issue in India. So no need to be offended by a fact, and it is not racism. From your comments below, I see you have a more racist problem towards Germans or Europeans. Here is a study by Princeton on the open defecation issue: https://spia.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/content/India%20Workshop%20Report_FINAL_2.25.2016.pdf

Germany is by far not a 3rd world country, it is scoring on most relevant points higher than the USA:




By any means, the quality of life for an average person is better in Germany.

Also calling Germans Nazis is racist, and very inappropriate. Where in the USA, you will see marches with swastika flags, in Germany you go straight to jail for it. Also, Nazism is a form of Socialism/Communism, the only ingredient being added is nationalism to this moronic ideology that made so many deaths throughout the history.

I would recommend you, before picking mindlessly on people, to read more, study, and form ideas based on facts. @misterrogers, @bozz, @snowboardpete, @seattlea, @dlmmqb, @urrirru I tag you to read this comment also, as this is based on figures not on manipulation and public shaming. Also, I would like to ask you if you see public shaming like this, to stay out, or do some research before commenting.

Hey hi! Go fuck yourself. Don't tag me in your bullshit again.

well, reading is not your strong point, I see.

Go. Fuck. Yourself. I don't want to see any more alerts from you or your goddamn friends.

@misterrogers, now you will, that is the beauty of the chain. Even if you block/mute, you will get the alerts. Welcome to the club.

Good thing I'm rarely on chain. Enjoy being a victimized racist.

Now can you point out where I made a single racist remark? If you make such accusations, please prove them, @misterrogers.

Just show me a proof of racism in any of my comments and statements, @misterrogers.

@misterrogers, if you make a statement, prove it.

You mean that reading is racist? Or what? @misterrogers.

Ohh, missed me. @misterrogers, with this attitude you will make new besties for life.

I do not know you but reading your posts and what you call a friend surprises me - but all good - friendship is important so we all have different friends. I fight for mine - you do the same maybe. Your story is pretty interesting and admire it kind of.

Agreed. I've also felt the same positivity towards you and was saddened to see you leave Splinterlands. Maybe you will take Dave up on his offer, or return if the ship does right itself.

If you are talking about Uwe or Alex; none of them are leaving Splinterlands. They just say that time to time to stir up sympathy. They will never leave:) Hive is classic that way. So many people have written posts about leaving yet they are all here. It's amazing :)

@misterrogers, why not? And by the way, what is bullshit of what I wrote?

Why bother to talk to people that added NOTHING to Hive, NOTHING to SPL apart from exploiting both systems? @alexvan - you should focus on interesting things not spend your time with filthy stuff - this guy is useless, and he feels bad as we get more and more people to finally realize he has never added any value here.

but YOU have a lfe, a great family - enjoy that - we should simply ignore him after we completed project AZ1 - hope soon1

Wow, strong one how to attack people being racist that are working everday on integrating folks in the region including people from India as well (not only the CEOs).

Calling out @twinner being racist is pretty funny coming from YOU lol, you are always good fun for some bashing of everyone that realized that you have no ressource, no skill, no nothing (what we can see in Splinterlands) - you get frustrated if other humans do not admire you and think you would have any skill.

That is good because more and more people will see your poor personality - easy of course to call out a German related to racism - that is clear - did you even know that you have nick name in several discords (of non-Germans) as "Nazircon" :-)?

Anyways - not get the racism thing in the message of a guy that made a lot more for Hive and SPL as you ever did and can do given you lack any skills - but what about potential facts?

  • twinner been in India met a local guy (after confirming this via passport)
  • twinner and local guy talked about crpyto
  • local guy suddenly been in panic
  • twinner asking wassup?
  • local guy says" oh i need to this bio thing but I am always that dirty"
  • twinner asks him to just use toilet paper
  • Local guy says, what is toilet paper?
  • Twinner explainss the usage
  • Local guy does not understand and is in a hurry
  • Local guy goes to Ganges and does the thing.

Are you demented or mentally impaired?

I am asking you to get the fuck out of my blog and you fucking moron continue to write.

For the last time. Get the fuck out of my blog and stop interacting with me.

What do you want to say by are are? It is some pirate slang?

seems he edited his comment as usual(i always get many notifications when he comments) seems he needs a wrtiting course een being American :-)!)

Why that aggression my friend? I love interacting with people like you....... :-)

he used the "f" word :-)!


well see for yourself - some people got education and act polite in discussion even when they disagree some do not.

“There's two kinds of people in the world, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig”

Indeed. And their are 2 kind of people, 80% with blinking blood-cells, and the other onces. Again a german masterpiece of technology, thank you for your trust.

Oh I had no idea that you know how to read and write!!

The usually Antifa Comment. Out of arguments and just crying around.

And just tell me how many comments you need to downvote me to under 25% 0%, -5%

If this is what's your live makes happy, downvote me :-)

Until your rep goes to negative.

By the way do you identify as a Nazi? This is a safe space without govt. intervention, you can say it.


No, Nazi's are National Socialists. I'm the opposite of that, lived 25+ years in East German "Socialism".

Maybe fly over to Cuba and ask them if they are Nazis or Soviet Nazi's. They hate their socialism too.

I also work in that area part-time to support migration in Germany - tough job because we have many right wing tendencies across the world indeed.

Given the fact we need skilled people to support our local economy in Germany may I ask you @azircon to apply and to send me your CV including achievements from your career ideally flavoured with potential ideas how we can move the economy and social environment a step further?

Think you would be a great fit for our local economy. I will DM you the contact details where to apply of course. Feel free to contact me in addition as ambassador, always happy to help and support your efforts.

Thanks and good luck!


Going to GERMANY?

AM I NUTS? Why do I want to move to a 3rd world country??

CV?? LOL That is for people who is looking for jobs. I never looked for job :)

You have NO FUCKING way to DM me. Get the FUCK LOST from my blog.

lol - now the question is this racism, ignorance, stupidity or just the typical personal issues you have with me or you say Germany is shit and all Germans are stupid to live here? Curious to hear thoughts of my other Germans or folks around us.

You say Germany is shit! Don't put words in my mouth. I say Germany is a 3rd world country. I am American, why would I move to a different country. I love my country. I love where I live and I have a very comfortable life. I am financially free who are you to offer me job? Did I ask for it?

Again are you mentally impaired? Seek help if you are.

Fun to see how you react Mr. America -:) - where did i offer you a job (read carefully)?

At least you can edit only your own response - where did I say "Germany is shit"? Please elaborate!

You really don't want his job? It might be good for you, to be a little humbler and grateful to life.

Well, as I explained to you in another comment, do some more reading and research, as Germany is far better in terms of living than the USA. Even food is better, just to mention this, life expectancy is higher, and risk of being robbed or killed in a car crash much lower.