I looked into the pancakeswap but couldn’t find Bhive-BNB or Bhive-BUSD pairs in the farms. Is it possible to set it up and market it.
We need to tell people that pancakeswap is far better than uniswap because of the cheaper fee. The reason uniswap Leo pool currently have no volume is because ETH gas fees are sky high. Lots of people are unaware on this
BHIVE-BNB Pool on Pancakeswap is already created (their search engine probably needs some time to find it): https://pancakeswap.info/token/0x347f041189fb4f005999db07a009d2ff63646c4a
Thanks. I will wait for it to show up. Curious what kind of return it will post. Also unsure what controls the return of the pool... multiplier etc...
This should be marketable and requires funds. Why not write a DHF immediately?
Also I am specifically talking about FARMS... just the LP have limited use. I understand LP is the first step, but we need a farm like this one...