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RE: The Hive Of Polarity: Information Underload And Questioning The Emperor's Clothing

in #hive4 years ago

......and THANK YOU for reading through it and - from your reaction :), being sympathetic to what I was trying to dig out, and to which I otherwise had little response :(.

I enjoyed reading your post about the kind old man in the library. It made me think of something I wrote along vaguely similar lines :D.



yes, freedom of speech should not have any grey lines.
Hive has many grey lines........

and I will end my comments there.

Thank you for showing me your other story!!

Amen :)

Even freedom of speech has its exceptions. You can go to prison or suffer severe civil damages for disseminating misinformation or allowing dissemination of misinformation that could harm people, if you are considered an authority on the subject or a steward over the listeners. Or if you are knowingly negligent in your dissemination, regardless of your level of authority or stewardship. You can also go to prison for encouraging dangerous behavior and attitudes that result in harm, especially if the attitudes and behaviors were based on misinformation or hate speech, and especially if the behavior and attitudes encouraged come from a person of leadership or authority who is aware their encouragement will incite violent or harmful behavior. Such as the Black Lives Matter rallies that resulted in violence and destruction of property, for instance.

Freedom of speech is just what it says but there are always consequences for your actions if you do anything with evil intent. Why Laws are made because people are stupid and do evil things.

Very good point. Although, it's not freedom if it is enforced by a law official who wields a gun and keys to the jail. If a consequence far exceeds the action, I'd say that's not freedom. It's something else.

again, that is something done with evil intent....
I think Janis said it best what you need to do to have true freedom.

Janice said it best indeed!! I've held those very words close within me for a number of years.


And yes, evil intent is where it pivots. You would be right.