Link to "Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines and Control"

in #hive2 years ago

(Screencapture "Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines and Control)

A short while ago, I listened to a podcast by Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin - interviewing Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD, on the topic of "Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines and Control". As the destructive Covid ham theater is once more pushed by the psychopaths that be, I deem it essential that essential information crosses all barriers and becomes available on all platforms. Well, not _all _platforms, as some of them will scrub this information and/or apply a visibility filter to it. You are likely aware of censorship being pushed violently now.

The topic is quite disturbing, but equally very important to be aware of. Many people probably know by now what is going on. Those who refuse to accept the truth will soon find out the hard and painful way that they were duped. It seems incomprehensible that not more folks have already woken up to the order of the day. As I have stated many times before with mixed results: whatever the public is allowed to know, is like Hawai'i twelve hours behind Zulu. The "latest" jet fighter You are shown is not the newest project of the military industrial complex. There is a buffer of time between actual events and what will come next. Rest assured, there is this Rumsfeld equation about known unknowns and unknown unkowns. Nanotechnology has become a known technology, alas the full scope of applications remains unknown, or only known to its owners, or billionaire clients respectively.

A most interesting part pertains to electromagnetic waves. To vibrational frequencies involved in nanotechnology. As someone who suffers from chronic fatigue, the mere notion of low frequencies disabling your body to function harmoniously, had my full attention. This condition is awful, as it is much more disabling than one could imagine. Being nailed to the mattressin the morning. Sleeping extensively - with the feeling that one has not slept at all. Like waking up and being ready to go to sleep. I hope You get a large charge out of the podcast and if so, please share it as well.

You can find the website of Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PhD here, Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin here.