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RE: Hive is no place for a person with Asperger's

in #hive10 months ago

Dear Novacadian,
it feels more than two month have passed. My hopes are as always that You are as well as possible. My Limboiotic experience continues and I am challenged in the usual and some unusual ways alike. However, there is slight progress and my Odyssey shall continue to get me to new shores. The limitations of using outdated hardware keep getting bigger. The fix could be in soon, when I am able to buy some refurbished iPad of newer provenance. Admittedly, the one I am using is now nine years old and can't be upgraded since four years due to lack of storage. What has surfaced over the last month has been the realization that writing is indeed everything I really love to do. Independently from success, or any outer circumstances. My infrequent comments on Substack are generally well received, having the number of subscribers steadily increasing - in spite of no longer being able to publish. For this reason I am looking forward to once again produce content, that comes from an ever expanding view point regarding our existence. Sending You my heartfelt greetings and a little treat.



So glad you have found renewed interest in your writing. Looking forward to seeing more.

it feels more than two month have passed

It certainly does!

About time to let you know that I am still around. Like the years before, 2024 was a continuation of challenging circumstances. As of today, I am still in Arcadia, working for crumbs on a ranch. But I love horses and cats and both are here in sufficient quantities.
How are you doing? Nine month is quite a stretch, but I have never forgotten our exchanges. Now I am publishing on Substack - at least the set up exists and an option of having paid subscribers to cover the expenses coming with creating content. Please let me know how you are doing, provided you get some time to do so. There has been so much going on in your corner of the world as well.
The babies in the picture above have grown to be full size rascals. Although heartbroken from the fact that I am unable to get my beloved Boys out of Uruguay, I take the comfort the Kitties offer me here. There is a new Kitty in my life, too. While Milou and Melánge are actually ranch Kitties, Tiger was given to me by a boarder here. Seldom has a Kitty displayed such playful energy and desire to spend every minute with me. Very much like Honeyboy.
Here are the Kitties now. The reason I chose "Milou" for his name was inspired by "Tintin et Milou", and ended up to be the perfect name, because "Milou has one eye brown and one eye blue".
Sending you my heartfelt greetings in the hopes they reach you in a pleasant state.




Ranch life sounds cool!

How are you doing?

Last July had me going up to Toronto ON to buy a boat. The adventure was documented in detail here on HIVE.

In November my house was sold to a local corporation which had been hounding me about it for a while. Took from August to November to sail the boat (The Makina) from Toronto to Halifax, NS; which is my home province.

Presently living on her at the Armdale Yacht Club in Halifax, while my Daughter and Son-In-Common-Law find a new abode. We just sent a down payment on one on Valentine's Day.

My not so fixed plan is to work my way to Belize with it. My interest is to check out how life is in El Saalvador with a legal tendered Bitcoin. If it looks good then the plan would be to bring the Makina through the Panama Canal and use it as a floating condo in El Salvador. We shall re-assess that idea at the end of the summer.

Hope to have a fun sailing season in Nova Scotia this summer and try to give my Daughter and Son-In-Common-Law the sailing bug. They have enjoyed living aboard her at a a wet berth since November so my feeling is that they will take to it nicely.

That's the overview. The postings about it here on HIVE can take one into the weeds. :)

Wishing you a healthy and happy 2025!