
It is a really interesting game with a lot of neat aspects that are still in development but calling it a 'ponzi' is uncalled for and just untrue.

I down-voted your comment to show my disagreement with your opinion. My opinion is based on my experiences with the gameplay, the cards, the developer and the community supporting it over the last few weeks which has been an awesome experience with lots of transparent communication.

interesting game? uhmm, am sorry but what? Are you like new to the internet? new to the games? If you are calling this something a game, well... Welcome to the internet mate.
Untrue is calling this a game, untrue is calling clicking few times a gameplay, untrue is not knowing that none of the cards trully belong to you but rather are barely numbers in his database. This is nothing more than moneygrabbing scheme. Just buy 40 more booster packs and spend 80$ to get some additional card. Yeahh, seems right. but for that ammount of cash you can easily get 2 AAA games. If you call it a great game with great gameplay i am sorry but if you would see any other normal game you would die from the amazingness i suppose.

It just sounds like you have an opinion about it and that you probably have ulterior motives by trying to badmouth it. I am not trying to convince you of anything here and am just giving my perspective. Just because yours is a negative one that does not mean you should trash talk the game.

it is badmouthing by itself, no help needed. But still i just dont get how come people say it is great when it is not. It has nothing and nothing will have

@billthecipher I am unsure what your motive or point is in all of this so I am going to quit responding to you. For whatever reason you just seem against this game but your argument for said 'reason' is unclear to me and makes no sense.

Have a nice day/night.

it is a scam, well that is my reason. There is no game, no plan, nothing but chaos and non stop buy me, buy me and buy me

That is just untrue and counter to all my direct experience.

Have a nice day/night and I hope that you find something else to focus your time and attention on.

Tell me cos i dont understand or i am too stupid to understand. What is so great in this so called game? no mechanics?

There are plenty of mechanics. The Evacuation sequence is still being worked on but it is playable. This is where the playable alpha is

Here is the version info for the latest version

Plenty of mechanics going on!

i suppose u never played any game at all if you think there are plenty of so called mechanics.

there is so much mechanics, that i have not a single idea about what is going on in there.

or amazing is using 95% of those amazing "original" assets from the internet

Unless he spend 64 Eur to be able to use it in game.

Hey can you upvote and reblog the post too? Thanks.

Before I would agree with any of you, I would like to ask a few questions.

How this game works? Can we sell the cards? Can we earn cards by playing the game? Are there any in-game token, which can be exchanged to Steem or to Hive?

I ask these questions, because I play Steem Monsters/Splinterlands, and the cards have values, and can be sold in the in-game market. We earn cards for completing the daily quest rewards, and we also earn cards as season end rewards, and there is a token called Dark Energy Crystals (DEC), which you earn by winning battles, completing daily quests, and as season end rewards. You can use the Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) to buy cards, cards backs, and to cash it out from the game, and exchange it to various cryptocurrencies, such as Steem.
