If you look at my account you would probably not classify me as investor ;)
The extra step to manualy claim rewards always felt a little pointless to me.
Autoclaim can be easily set up with a little bit of code. I don't see why we should keep this feature from regular users but reserve it for somebody who can deploy a bit of Python on a server, Heroku instance or Raspberry Pi.
What are a few reasons in favour to keeping manual claim?
So you would force the auto claim function on people? A choice would be better. Also the claim rewards system is not broken, it works, and there are options available to auto claim rewards if a person so Chooses.
The Claim Rewards system is not broken so why does it need to be fixed? Instead of talking about this that is not broken people should be putting more effort in protecting the chain from broken systems, such as the Witness selection/retention system. Now that is broken, and does need to be fixed. And saying it can't happen here is total and complete bullshit because it happened once, it can happen again. it was the week link in the steem chain, and it is a week link in the Hive chain.
So what is broken about the claim rewards system? Nothing other than annoyance. A bigger annoyance and a bigger reason for people leaving Steem and Hive is the down vote system, that is broken also. So if we are going to fix annoyances then the down vote system certainly ranks a little bit higher than Oh crap, I need to claim my rewards again!!! annoyance.