
Hello dear.
Long time no see.

I just saw that spaminator is seriously following you like housefly.
Why is the bot really downvoting your comments?


Just find the way to clear it off your back.
I don't like it at all

I so agree. @guiltyparties and @hivewatchers are behind this @spaminator bot. What they call dusting... I call downvote spamming. And @daniella619 is right... this is quite annoying (like a house fly) and if you were, for example, someone new to Hive... This could be downright detrimental. We don't want to keep this sort of bot buzzing around Hive. It's not conducive to a friendly Hive. There are so many better way's that we could curb unwanted behaviors on our Blockchain... It's time we all put our foot down and made a stand for something better.

Just my 2 cents.

If you need help getting this downvote off your back... please let the community know and we will all work towards that end...



How can we help? The only ones who deserve this are scammers and spammers!

What we need is an advocate. Someone like @apshamilton. How @GuiltyParties wants to conduct things isn’t in the least way friendly. He wants people who have not signed any agreements when they became owners on Hive and who have not signedUP for a Discord account to go over to the @HiveWatchers Discord and go through whatever hoops and loops they lay out for people to go through.

So what we need is an advocate who can go in our stead and set things straight...

This is only a temporary fix!

I’ll include a link to one of @theycallmedan’s posts where I leave my thoughts (in the comments) about how we can fix this for good within the blockchains organizational code. The answer is a systemic on that makes use of our DPOS.

Here's the link:

I've been so swamped with debugging my own properties the past 3 weeks that has sort of came first. What you own and operate comes first, so I feel bad I have not put out my procedural proposal yet.

We're supposed to embrace and innovate with the technology, it is supposed to be decentralized and there are a lot of efforts to centralize and @guiltyparties is absolutely doing this along with others. Hivewatchers is a PR and legal fiasco waiting to happen. Someone will abuse their power, it will eventually get in the hands of activists on Twitter and it goes straight to mainstream media outlets to degrade crypto. That's the real risk.

Decentralization and policing on the technology and tribal side is the only way we're going to get there. Much like there is local, state, and federal policing... there needs to be scope of control on each level.

Farming as abuse is something dictated by the oligopoly, not the community at large, in the individual tribes or technology creators or even as dictated by the Hive Terms of Service.

Hivewatchers can be reformed in a way to prevent criminal activities from taking place on the platform, we know what they are but they have to be defined in an SOP and that is to be their limited scope.

Where is Hivewatchers current SOP? There's none.

Tribe owners and community members know their subject matter best and can patrol their communities better as they have tribal interests. They can spot the plagiarism that they don't like, they can kick thin content creators to the curb, and if they want to keep things more exclusive - they can. Don't like a particular tribe/technology, cool... create your own. @Aggroed has resources that can you get on the right path. (I know I need to get around to creating a particular project using Hive-Engine and I don't want the cartel trying to kneecap it.)

OCD was one of the BIGGEST MISTAKES within Hive. It is not politically correct to say to admit this, but it is true. It is a centralization of content, it is content accepted by those wielding power. You better kiss the feet of those in power because they have the ability to make or break you here. Otherwise, you better be writing about how "Crypto is the future and here's why..." every day to karma farm. So for all the decentralization talk, if you support OCD, you're not for decentralization.

I saw the comment from @apshamilton about the dustings, which is interesting and my observation is that a dusting results in less engagement because the content is deemed as spam/dangerous by the community because of the massive amount of trust put into @spaminator and Hivewatchers. Upvote bots whether we like them or not play a massive role in dictating our attention to content created, they don't upvote when a piece of content is "dusted."

If you think Spaminator is an issue, they also have the ultimate cancelling bot in their disposal ("a-d-m", but remove the dashes and put an @ in front)... they can wipe out small/medium HP users with EASE. Might as well cash out and create a new account if that hits you.

There's a better way here. Maybe we have to stop distributing HIVE directly and force everything into tribes and side-chain tokens that can be exchanged so that there is more control on a niched level?

I might have another solution? Guiltyparties is involved with a mutual project with you and I and another friend - maybe a mediator would work? I happen to know one that both of you like and respect :) A certain pirate captain :) ...

I have talked to @guiltyparties about this a number of times and he keeps saying it is just a problem with the bot and it will get fixed. @brittandjosie is a matriarch of Hive, one of its oldest and most respected members. Clearly something is wrong.

May I suggest that you and others who are concerned about this just create your own bot to follow @spaminator's dust downvotes with dust upvotes and an appropriate message with actions that people who are unhappy with the behavior of the spaminator account can take.


Yeah! It has been heaps of work... but I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing right now... and the day's have been absolutely flying by! 🙂

Thank you for getting the word out about @Comet.Ranker and #CometWeek @brittandjosie! I want everybody on Hive to know and be excited about what we are doing here... so I really appreciate you getting the word out! 🙌

Ok! So a bit of house keeping!

I noticed that you are reporting your engagement here on this post. This post is only meant as a midway UPdate! Sooooooooo If you want to have these comments turned into Comet Points for participating in #CometWeek please copy & paste them over into the #CometWeek HQ post. Here's the link to the main post! 😊

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask me here of click over to the relevant section of the #CometWeek White Paper and ask in the comments over there!

Happy commenting @brittandjosie! ☄️

Oh sorry I thought the latest blog ! I will

Actually! After #CometWeek this would apply... But during #CometWeek it's always the HQ post. Hope that this make sense @brittandjosie! 😊