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RE: Updating the UK Hivians list

in #hive4 years ago

I'm stuck at work more then home, in fact I spend so much time in work I really ought to just stay there - for sure if any of the family come down with the Covid I'm moving into work so I don't have to self Isolate!

I know what you mean though, with the future so uncertain and very little to look forward to - it's really hard to be inspired when you know a tiny little virus could end you at any time just because you decided to call in a shop to buy some milk -_-


I know it's nuts but we are living in strange times. We have been in total lockdown from two weeks before the official UK lockdown was announced god knows how many months ago.

My wife has a compromised immune system so no contact with anyone is allowed. We live on a farm miles from anywhere which helps and everything is delivered and we have a flat in London.

London is a joke. No one is socially distancing or taking any precautions? I'm glad we are out of there.

I'm expecting the London cases will skyrocket. They should never have sent the kids back to school and college. That was the dumbest move ever.

This virus is only just getting started. Stay safe.

From my experience the precautions are widely ignored, I have been avoiding going anywhere unless essentials are needed - and because I need to drop parcels for work at parcel lockers I tend to call in the small convenience stores they are outside for bread, milk etc if we need it at home. I always put on a mask before entering, but I never see anyone else wearing them - mum's with small children, middle age, even older folk - no interest at all in wearing masks or trying to even social distance (not that you can in small corner shops).

I have been really worried since the schools went back because my 10 year old effectively became the main way it would infect me - and I really can't be isolating for two weeks. I know they are keen to keep the education up but they could do a far better job with online learning - it's not if but when with schools - because as soon as one brings it in to class they all have it - and then take it home.

Yep it's a god awful mess out there. If it is at all possible please do keep your kids home. People just don't seem to think it will get to them? I'm a teacher and haven't been teaching since this whole thing kicked off. I just can't risk it.

A lot of my friends are still teaching but it is a absolute nightmare. The kids are mixing all day long and some schools have started to keep the kids in the playgrounds for large parts of the day as if that is going to help?

As soon as someone tests positive the whole class or year group is sent home including the teachers that came into contact with the person. It is causing total chaos.

This of course is not being reported in the press? But its a proper clusterfuck and now head teachers are calling for a total shutdown until well after Christmas. Jan Feb maybe.

The kids can be taught online if they have the equipment but amazingly and sadly millions still don't?

Kids can learn at anytime in their lives. It doesn't have to be right now. Don't drink they cool aid they are pushing about the kids are missing out on education. It's total bullshit.

it's pretty much the same here in the Philippines. The locals act as if it's a foreigner disease and are quick to call out a foreigner for not wearing a mask but hardly any of the locals do. Funniest thing I saw though was a woman riding a scooter with her 3 kids on it none of them wearing helmets but she was wearing a mask haha. Not sure she has her priorities straight there.

Yep people are quick to judge 'others' and play the blame game. Government encourages division.

3 kids on it none of them wearing helmets but she was wearing a mask haha.

Maybe she is one of those billions of people who believe in fate? 😂😂👍