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RE: Introducing Wrapped Hive - Hive on Ethereum!

in #hive5 years ago

Liquidity is there, don't worry. Price is still 2x than market price (it was ~$12/WHIVE half an hour ago).

I was reffering to the "old" Hive <-> ETH pool (looks like a fake Hive?)

Also adding wHive <-> DAI now :)


Wll, Hive is a quite generic name. Thanks for adding DAI :)

Holy molly, $70 :D

Does adding liquidity later on costs as much every time? Or just new pair?

Just first pair, I paid over $100 :( Adding liquidity later is ~$5 now.

Hmm, will remember to send you some upvotes to compensate for that ;)

Now, need some guidance on uniswap (probably should have done it earlier :D) - adding liqudity earns user a profit, right? How do you view / collect it?

Wow, thanks for all the tipu upvotes!

I think it's collected when you remove liquidity, but I'm new to Uniswap too.

Some nice videos.

Thanks! One last question, I promise :) Currently user has to manually add WHIVE to swap tokens list. Do you think it can be added to the "official" list later on?

Yes, I will open an issue on github ( or, not really sure yet) and hopefully it will be added soon.