Hello, I'm newbie to Hives for almost 2 months and I write quite often on this platform, although not every day. I feel like I'm happy to be at Hives because I really like writing and this is a place that makes me comfortable to share all the stories of my life and whatever I feel, whether it's happy or sad. I have never been this honest in telling stories on social media or platforms. Apart from Hives, I think everything is just fake. That's the truth and I'm not exaggerating. It's sincere. I can spend my time through my hobby of writing, especially when I get rewards. That's a bonus for me. I wrote and made it a work and I felt appreciated.
However, to be honest, sometimes I feel a little disappointed because not all of my writing is noticed by people or appreciated through votes. I think my written work may not be that perfect, but I also want to be noticed, at least read and given comments from readers, it is already extraordinary. I once wrote poetry and it didn't seem to get noticed and I thought whether my poetry was bad, I don't know. may be. Sometimes I've taken my time and tried my best as best as possible, but yes, sometimes no one notices and of course I feel like I've stopped for a moment, like wondering why… is there something wrong with the post? Or what? Sometimes like my efforts are useless or in vain.
Sometimes I also feel like I'm hopeless and think instead of writing in vain, I should just quit this community. But, inside me said, NO. I have to continue because writing is like my soul and writing has become my enjoyable hobby.
Thanks for the post so that I can be honest to share my thoughts :)
I'd suggest commenting more and looking for people who share your interests, for instance you could search for users who also do poetry, consume some of their posts and leave them your thoughts. Some may ignore you, some others won't, they may follow you back and reply to your poetry as well which may give you some votes and get you in the sights of bigger users or curators/curation projects. It requires some work but compared to other socials there's a lot more people here who in one way or another can get you rewards compared to just relying on ad revenue and views like elsewhere.
Ahh, okay. I got it. I should search my interests, such as poetry or whatever I like, then connect with them. And the key is hard work and persistence. Do the best I can do!
Thank you so much for your advice and I really appreciate it ^^
I had some suggestions to you in December, here. You said you're too busy to engage with others. Here we are, two months later and you are complaining. Walking the same path and expecting different outcome never works.
Yes, At first. But after you suggested that, I tried to do my best and got in touch with some people lately. And I feel like there is progress and I'm not stuck there comparing with my first month :) and I am still doing and learning here.
and I think 2 months is a short time and there are still many months and year ahead that must be fought for. There must still be support and I think I got them gradually @erikah
and I just share my thoughts to @acidyo because I am new, read the post, and do not really understand how it works and thank God too that he gave me the suggestions too for me. I started to look for what I am interested in and try to do my best here