A trip to a village in Oyo state, Nigeria

in #hive2 months ago

Yesterday I embark on an impromptu journey, I had to replace my sis husband to follow my sis because he couldn't meet up. So, that's how we woke up early by 6:00am and we got to the park by 7:00am because we are going to on a very long journey, Ogun state to Oyo state is not a small journey not to talk of going to a village in Oyo state, you know how far is city to village.



We started our journey not so long we just hear a sound from the tyre ,thank Goodness the vehicle was not on high speed at that moment,the front tyree just busted, you no how Nigerians driver behave, he said he will manage it to where he can get a tyre, he doesn't have extra tire. How can a commercial vehicle in addition going for long distance not have extra tyre??🤷 He continue moving but we started shouting on him cos the movement of the vehicle is not funny anymore and we can see he is struggling with the steering. We later found a mechanic, where he got a new tyre. We, continue our journey.


I have to mention this one, you see these two people, they are the weapon fashioned against me (single), they are just doing love,love, you see that guy they even vex me 🤣🤣🤣 he dey check his girl face,dey check nose like say she be baby😏😏😏😂

The village we are heading to are said to have the most mountains and hills, these village is full of mountains that even their houses were built on them, I don't even know how they manage to do that. These are some pictures I could take, this is the house we slept that night . When we got there ,we were served Amala with vegetables soup,Oyo state is known for their best food which is black Amala(made from yam flour) ,we were also served swallow in the night, they are never tired of swallow they eat it everyday. I had to forget my diet and eat like no tomorrow 🤣🤣🤣







We went to the village for a burial of a family friend of ours, the father is said to live 130 years,his wife died some years back at the age of 100 years old. His younger brother died before him in the same year he died at the age of 91years who is wife also died the second day at the age of 80 years old. Two couple, four people.
The funeral party of them all was done that day,so you should know how big the party will be. The funny part is that their family traditions is drumming Local drums. Their family are drummers from the children to the adults,either girls or boys. They all drum, different dance steps, I was tired of listening to the drums at some point but they are never tired. A lot of traditions were also there like the local mid-wives dancing and drumming for their status. These are some pictures:




Even though civilization has changed a lot of things, we still saw houses made of mud and bamboo on our way. I bought Agbalumo(African star apple) I haven't bought it here since I started seeing it this year because am afraid to taste a sour one which can spoil ones taste buds, it is the underripe ones that usually taste sour and the sellers here buy the underripe ones so they could extends its life span but it will never taste sweet. But as I saw it in village, I know it will be sweet and sure they didn't disappoint me, I couldn't retain to take home, they are all sweet. We bought a lot of things like ireke (sugarcane),kokoro(it's made from maize with sugar and cassava). All are much cheaper there .

Agbalumo (African star apple)


Sugarcane,this one will never taste sour no matter what, it can only be tasteless like water if not ripe enough but it is mostly sweet like sugar ,that is why it is called sugarcane ( sugar in a cane form)


Kokoro(made from maize with sugar and cassava flour)

Few of the old houses :





And here comes a miracle by God when our vehicle survived a supposed fatal accident. The vehicle took route into the bush,the driver lost control but it's stop miraculously. My heart skipped , I thought that was my end 😭😭 but God did it .Help me Thank God ooo that we finally got home safely.



Am sorry my post is so long, I just want to take you well through our journey. Thanks for Reading through 🤗🤗🤗.

All pictures are captured by me.



Glad you had a safe journey, nigeria driver don't always disappoint with their nonsense behaviour even when they know there vehicle isn't in a good condition for such travel, hope you enjoyed your journey. btw I saw some gods figurine in a bowl,are they hawking them😀

🤣🤣🤣no it's an idol worshipped by the traditional mid-wives,they carried it on their head and danced with it .