Free Choice opens the doors of so many dimensions, so many means both Negative and Positive, let's choose one path.@theycallmedan,
Positive path can open the doors of Decentralised Markets and Decentralised Ecosystems which we are already Experiencing and hopefully we will going to continue this Journey more strongly.
Now Reality is reshaping and turning back towards the Old Ways. And in real sense Old Ways means Communities and Community Development World.
In Ancient Times, one Community means One Village + One Family = One Tribe. World is looking for this Chain Of Connection once again but now it's happening Virtually, and we belongs to Virtual Villages.
I am not an expert when it comes to the Business Point Of View so i will not going to talk about it but in my opinion when we see this space through the Life's point of view then this space is ready to offer Communities which is no less than any valuable treasure, treasure will not going to long last, but in these hard times Togetherness Hands can do magical things and can manifest better virtual world inturn which will going to boost our hope and possibilities in this Physical World.
We all have differences and point of view changes because we are Emotional Beings but in my opinion we are facing biggest crisis, crisis which is changing everything and it's closing many doors but at the same time opening endless opportunities.
LIFE IS A STORY. Every individual is a story because they are travelling a journey and experiencing life which consists of different tastes.
In this World so many Product, Financial and Job Markets got closed down but this space still telling one thing and that is Decentralised Ideas, Markets, Applications, Technologies and most importantly Decentralised Communities are future.
Visiting after some time hope that you are doing good.
Have a abundant time ahead and stay blessed always.