Hive:Empowering Everyone

in #hive11 months ago

If you ever visit an electronics store for a stroll, you will likely see latest gadgets all lined up in shelves. You are likely to see cutting-edge smart devices and more. You will only keep admiring these technology if you do not know their use or have no money to buy. These technologies in the store all holds great potential to transform our daily lives. They are only placed in the store for potential buyers who know their value to come and purchase them.

Their true value is not in just their appearance but in the kind of work they are able to do. We see the full potential of any technology when we actively integrate them into our routines and tasks. We can just own any piece of technological tool but is not enough having it but learning how to unlock its true power for our good.

The real magic happens when we are able discover creative ways to use technology for the better. Today there are many different innovations built on the Hive blockchain and with many benefits for users. Just like many technology out there, their possibilities are endless. The Hive blockchain serves as a stage for all of these developements (dapps).

If these innovations have been made possible with Hive, you can imagine what more could be done with the blockchain technology. We can continuously push the boundaries, finding new and unexpected ways to leverage them far even beyond the original designs. I'm not a developer to work on more developments with the blockchain but what excites me most is how the blockchain empowers everyone.

With the support of the Hive blockchain, the dream of reaching out to several people to empower them in ways possible became a reality. This is a prime example of how something designed for one purpose can be reimagined for another, creating a positive impact. We have shown this through several outreaches where the impacts of Hive has been felt by people in several communities. Hive is about empowering people to make a real difference.

Bringing water to people plus other empowerment programs was how Hive moved from powering cryptocurrencies to tackling real-world issues in communities. Hive is constantly evolving, offering possibilities and new ways to tackle challenges beyond what we can even imagine. While some are empowered to innovate and create new developements each day, others are empowered by these innovations to make so much difference.

Most of us may not be developers but we have been shown how Hive innovative systems can be used for even greater good. Everything by developers does not only empowers them but also those who is ready for exploration. This collaborative efforts is what makes Hive truly beautiful.


Water, currency and education the revolution is going forward.

This to me is a noble purpose for Hive and if such projects are championed - it has potential to shift Hive onto another level. Forget 'freedom of speech' and 'getting rich quick' - let's encourage equity and parallel economies to empower people in poorer performing economies. In many ways, the opportunities to change are greater in places like Ghana - than in Australia (where I am) - that while there is great economic abundance due to mining (mainly) here - there is great rigidity and the inability to adapt to the upcoming political climate. This will betray the people of Australia with their own supposed 'security'. I surmise, the royals in the UK will dump their Australian investments as fast as the mines run out and a class society with extreme poverty will quickly develop.

I would support Hive for this purpose much more than for any other ambitious western worldly purpose.

Can anyone confirm the veracity of what these people are doing? While I do not wish to doubt the greatness of these achievements, I am well traveled and I was not born yesterday. For example, I once volunteered for a refugee organisation in Turkey in 2018 that turned out to be quite corrupt, though outwardly on socials appeared by all purposes to be achieving good.

I am hopeful this project is genuine and is as abundant in high esteemed ethics as it seems.

One thing that is certain is that humans will remain being human - it must be recognized no one is immune to the change of character that comes with the accumulation of wealth and power. It is more important than ambition and growth to found a steady rock of a foundation of decentralisation - cementing into the structure of an organisation the inability for power and wealth to accumulate inordinately in any one place at any one time.

This type of social structure requires a high degree of self-responsibility and self-knowledge by each individual involved in order to be working properly on the long-term - run by a tried and tested board which is not self-elected.

I will keep an eye on this project and others like it. I'd hope to promote such projects and to add to the flame of alternative economies wherever that is.

We must move forward with knowledge and remain a little childlike in this process in order to have potential to be ever new and adapt to the ever changing social and political cultures of today.

WOW you guys are really making Hive and all of it's potential an integral part of daily life in Ghana for so many people aren't you and it looks like all of your hard work is paying off and will continue to to do so well into the future!

Well done on not only promoting Hive, but also educating and empowering so many others too!

I am soo impressed and so inspired by you.

Thank you.

Thanks for your kind words. Glad you're are inspired. Hive is empowering everyone!

No thank you for your efforts! You are empowering everyone to use Hive! and inspiring me and I'm sure so many others to do the same!