Web3 is Changing the Game

in #hivelast month (edited)

In the world of internet today many spend considerable amount of time creating content on platforms such as TikTok, Youtube and Instagram. But what most people don’t realize is that they don’t really own what they create on these platforms. The platform owns everything and can block or remove it at any time.

I came across a TikTok video the other day where a creator was sharing his story of how his account got banned. His account, which he’d built for years with so much efforts - investing time and creativity was now shut down. He’d put in long hours making videos, editing them, building his following. Now, he was asking other creators to join him in petitioning TikTok to reinstate his account.

Sadly, this isn’t the only creator who has experienced this incident. Many build up their accounts, their content and their worlds, only to lose them in an instant. This is where I always see a big advantage of web3 over web2 platform. For instance on the Hive blockchain users actually owns their content and no one can temper with ditigal assets.

There is nothing like a central player who can decide to press a button to delete your account or strip what you’ve created away and this is because web 3 restores control to users. Web3 is built on blockchain technology, in stark contrast with Web2 (like TikTok or Instagram), so everything you create and earn on Web3 is yours to keep.

Hive blockchain and ecosystem present different opportunities not just blogging, which is only a fraction of it. Users benefits from monetizing their creative works, discover lots of opportunities with several dapps which includes blockchain games, and can invest in cool projects, and work with DeFi (decentralized finance). User's data and their content are on the blockchain, not under the control of a central player. Thus web3 has become safer and fairer for users.

The only issue which remains a big challenge to web3 adoption is that, many have not fully learned about it or have discovered its diverse opportunities. For many, blockchain sounds complex — a “digital revolution wrapped in code.” But once you get used to how it works, you’ll find it's full of exciting opportunities. Many people see web3 as new and feels unfamiliar with it. Since we've been using Web2 platforms for years, it is indeed easy to use.

Additionally, the first impression of blockchain can be complicated. Ther are those who believe that it’s all about cryptocurrency when it actually presents so much more, from creating and owning your content to building projects and communities. That’s where Hive shines, Blockchain made simple and easy to use. You can start blogging or writing or sharing content, and slowly figure out the other ways to grow and earn on the platform.

Using Hive, you can own what you create and join the growing revolution of the Web3. The future of the internet is now the likes of Hive providing us an opportunity to take ownership back of our digital life. it is more than simply platform — it’s a movement toward true ownership and infinite possibilities. The only big task ahead is how the masses can discover what has been built by Hive and how they can leverage them for greater good.


The pictures are wonderful...

I wonder where it is, such a huge Hive shout-out advertisement.

The lack of ownership on other web 2 sites is a problem that everyone knows about.

Losing one's account can happen anytime to anyone and you're left with like 2-3 appeals to see if your account would be reinstated or you'd have to start again from scratch.

It's very scary because how can one who had a 5 year account start again from scratch?

Thanks, picture credit to rubencress and shots were taking during TechExh conference in Amsterdam last year. And accounts getting banned on web2 platforms, it's kind of worrying issue but it happens because of centralisation. Hope many would discover web3 where they onw what they have.

This is exactly what I am dreaming on Hive, I will make sure it happens one day . As you walk into my office,it will be fully branded with Hive

That sounds amazing, keep working towards it!

Decentralisation is key and that's what platforms like hive offer to users.

Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure, web3 is Hive