First Week of Rewarding Comments

in #hive15 days ago
Authored by @hivetrending

First, I want to say thank you to everyone who provided feedback, responded to our announcement post, and tried using commentrewarder (CR) for the blog posts. A lot has happened in the week since we announced.

Since last week, CR has gone through multiple iterations of bug fixing and improvements. The PeakD team (shout out to @asgarth) has also helped with multiple changes in the PeakD app. Overall, CommentRewarder is running smoothly and looks great for PeakD users.

CR is now better at notifying the blog author about what is happening. A reply will be added three days after the post is published to let the author know how many replies are being rewarded. At the 7-day mark, CR will update its reply and let the author know how many rewards will be distributed. Many other changes were made in response to feedback, and we've updated the announcement post with clarifying details.

First Week Stats

Let's look at what CommentRewarder has done in the first week of operation.

  • 87 posts have been published on Hive with CommentRewarder enabled
  • 451 comments have been selected for rewards by the blog authors
  • 9.909 HBD and 371.668 HIVE have been distributed for comment rewards

CommentRewarder PeakD Changes

In the latest version of PeakD, posts with CommentRewarder enabled have a unique icon displayed at the bottom right. See the example below:


Also, the rewards from CommentRewarder are displayed as tips. Hovering over the tip section shows the rewards distributed for that comment. This is how it looks in dark mode:


What's Next

We'll keep monitoring CR to ensure it continues running smoothly. We'll also consider adding some nice-to-have extensions in the future, such as a web page for displaying CR stats.

Again, thanks for trying out CommentRewarder. Please let us know what you think.

Note: CommentRewarder is enabled for this post


Quite a successful launch I'd say! It's pretty amazing how fast things can get done on Hive when people collaborate on an idea they like. Let's hope we see more of that in the future!

Indeed 💪 I believe that response will get better as more people start noticing that the engagement get better on certain posts and rewards being distributed in the near future.

Hey @acidyo, I'm still trying to figure this out and I'm new to Hive so please don't shout at me but I can't quite figure out which comments on a post is rewarded. I saw earlier that @commentrewarder placed the following comment on a post I published using the @commentrewarder tag. The post is here -


I have had one comment on the post and that was from @bleujay. The @commentrewarder comment states it is rewarding 1 reply from 'this discussion thread'. I assume that refers to the specific comment thread the @commentrearder comment is placed on. I asked about it and got the following message.


Apparently I decide which comment/s to reward, I'm completely baffled. When does a reward from @commentrewarder actually pay and from that reward I then choose who to give the payment to, is that right?

It collects data for 3 days on who to reward based on your upvotes, the tip then goes out after your post pays out since part of those post rewards are used as the tip. So your post still has 3 days til payout, so after that.

That's great thanks for clarifying that part. And are you saying you pay @bleujay directly or I have to pay @bleujay on receipt of the tip?

it'll take the x% of the post reward u sent it through beneficiaries, liquidate it and automatically tip it to the comment you upvoted

Got it! Sorry to annoy with dumb questions!

np, just be patient and take another look at the comment section sometime after your post pays out and you'll get it

It'll reward the user you upvoted yourself in that post.

Fine, thanks for explaining.

Just one more thing the comment by @commentrewarder stating 'The author of the blog post decides which replies to reward', what does that refer to?

Is this feature limited to only peakD users or setting CR as a beneficiary would reward my post engagers regardless of where I publish from?

It's a good update by the way, would foster engagement on the blockchain more.

It doesn't matter which front-end you use to post as long as you set the beneficiary.

The other Hive front-ends, like Ecency, are missing the icon and the tips display. So, the experience on PeakD is slightly better.

This is a nice development. It's a good encouragement to engagement on the chain. Thank you for the initiative.

So we are to set CommentsRewarder as a beneficiary on every of our post?
Are we also expected to delegate HP to the account? Please I want clarification from @acidyo

There is no need to delegate HP to this account. Please cancel the delegation.

I hoped to get more quality comments after adding a reward of 5 percent. Still I think that quality comment number did increase a little bit. So that is nice.

Quality comments?

Rather there should be natural comments with real, genuine interest in the content/author on the Hive blockchain in general.

Like on any other properly working social network.

For example even in the smallest Facebook groups (for example with around 100 members).

The problem about the Hive blockchain is that most of the users are not focusing on (and do not really care about) the content, but about the monetary aspect (rewards), and this is how they ruin an otherwise technically revolutionary platform.

Why can't it be both?

If creators could easily reward those genuine comments on facebook, youtube, reddit, etc, wouldn't they?

It's up to the authors to decide what they think is genuine and what isn't, if they want to reward comments that are there just to get part of their post rewards then they can, others can judge the author and user's comment based on that. If they don't want to they can ignore them or just leave a reply and not vote.

Beats having 50 different command bot comments with nothing of value being inserted in the comment nor value being transferred from the token command.

You could also think that a big reason many don't care to comment but focus on posting is that close to no rewards go out to comments compared to posts, @commentrewarder attempts to change that to turn creators into consumers as well as we severely lack it. On top of giving those users who can't reward comments with votes a way to do so with sharing their author rewards as tips.

Why can't it be both?

Technically it would be possible.
But practically currently it is not.

Why not?

You can find the answer in the behavior of the people.

Most people on the Hive blockchain currently focus on the rewards so much that they forget (do not even care) about the content, often both as a content creator, and as a content consumer too (the latter is currently a very very small percentage).

And many so called curators vote automatically to maximize their curation rewards, and they often do not even see the content they curate.

And most people focus on posting.

The ratio is somewhere around 90% (or even more) content creators, and 10% (or even less) content consumers.

Many posts are overlooked/ignored because of this. And thousands of people left this platform in the previous years because of this.

Currently most of the Hive users are literally ruining an otherwise technically revolutionary platform with their behavior.

Technically this platform is much better than other social network, but most people are not grown up to it (yet?).

To have both of the above mentioned things at the same time, most people have to change their approach to this platform, and have real, actual interest in the content.

Both as a content creator, and as a content consumer too. And much more content consumers are needed.

And many so called curators vote automatically to maximize their curation rewards, and they often do not even see the content they curate.

Voting automatically doesn't necessarily increase your rewards compared to manual voting. I agree it'd be amazing if we could give proven manual curators more rewards but for now it is what it is. Downvotes could help reduce rewards if votes have landed on content "blindly" but there's a big stigma regarding downvotes, still.

The rest of the comment is kind of made up numbers and reasoning but it's true that we lack consumers and a big reason to that could be that they're not rewarded for their time in the way creators are and since anyone can be a creator here they opt to focus on that rather than consuming and not everyone has time to do both.

We just need more users to generate more consumers, you can't compare hive to other platforms as the only others we compare to are in the millions if not billions of users. Let's compare it to Steem or Blurt instead and you'll be able to see that engagement is a lot better here already and I hope commentrewarder will have a bigger impact on that.

We just need more users to generate more consumers, you can't compare hive to other platforms as the only others we compare to are in the millions if not billions of users. Let's compare it to Steem or Blurt instead and you'll be able to see that engagement is a lot better here already

You can compare the Hive blockchain even to the smallest Facebook groups, for example Facebook groups with a few hundred users. And currently the latter is winning in terms of real, actual interaction.

Of course the Hive blockchain engagement is better than the Steem blockchain engagement or the Blurt blockchain engagement.

The Hive blockchain is created from the Steem blockchain by a hardfork, and most of the Steem blockchain users moved to the Hive blockchain after Justin Sun took over the Steem blockchain.

And the Blurt blockchain is just a bad copy of the Hive blockchain, literally with the same design, and with the same domain (.blog).

Of course the Hive blockchain engagement is better than the Steem blockchain engagement

Why is that of course? I mean I know the reason but what makes you say that the legacy chain with much better SEO is obvious to have worse engagement than Hive?

I generally don't understand why you'd compare engagement levels on web2 platforms with Hive when you could compare it to literal copies of it instead.

Either way, your initial comment was about commentrewarder incentivizing fakeness or something so this is kind of spurring out of context. A quick look at your post history tells me you could use some engagement on your posts, maybe some comments just to take a little bit of rewards from your post would be better than 0? Dunno, guess that's where we're at. Most people here would make 0 income on web2 but I'm sure many of them would get more engagement than here just cause there's a lot more users there.

You can compare the Hive blockchain even to the smallest Facebook groups, for example Facebook groups with a few hundred users.

Why? They already have facebook accounts and they specifically joined that group based on their interests and they're not getting rewarded to create similar posts as that facebook group so commenting and liking is all they can do really.

it'd be amazing if we could give proven manual curators more rewards

Nothing is stopping you or anyone else from doing that.

If creators could easily reward those genuine comments on facebook, youtube, reddit, etc, wouldn't they?

They do, just not financially. The reason that both aren't potential is that curation rewards produce profiteering, where the curators only or primary interest in voting content is to receive maximum curation rewards. I'll not go into gaming curation rewards, but I am sure you are well acquainted with how to do so.

Rather there should be natural comments with real, genuine interest in the content/author

That is exactly what I would call quality comments.

I strongly agree, and have long suggested that curation rewards are both unnecessary and counterproductive to actual curative promotion of content quality. The financial interest is the only, or the primary interest many voters have in their vote, and this causes them to dispense their votes so as to maximize their curation rewards, rather than to reward what they consider to be the best content.

Hopefully people will take more time to interact once they realize it's something we value. It's been needed for a long time

I agree. it is great addition to Hive ecosystem.

Haha so awesome!

Building a network and consistently producing thoughtful content can be a long road toward a bigger stake here. A short cut for new folks and a good way to become a part of the community is through commenting and I love how this rewards those efforts.

Nice work!

Excellent initiative🙏

Anything that serves to improve the ecocysystem is very welcome, even breaking with the entrenched status quo.

When reading most of the comments, you can see that there is a need for changes in relation to curators vs. content producers.

It is difficult to eradicate greed, almost impossible to eliminate evil. But it is always possible to create tools for good. This is one of them👌

Thank you for the effort of everyone involved.

We are together!🤝

Great work :) All one has to do is set commentrewarder as a beneficiary? Will there potentially be options in the future to filter spam? I love to reward engagement, but not spam

You choose which comments to reward. Just avoid upvoting the spam comments, and they won't be rewarded.

Awesome, I definitely avoid doing that 😂

It seems to me a great start for a project that I think will give more life to our publications and also to the interaction through the comments. I think the idea of a unique icon displayed at the bottom right is excellent 🔥🔥😎

I was wondering what that new icon meant, now I know!

Greetings, I'm using it in my last post. I thought it was great that you added the icon because it makes many people excited and motivated to leave comments. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks for making Hive a more exciting place.

Omg, that's a lot of rewards already distributed in a week span and I 'm happy to be able to contribute to that (though haven't distributed yet 😅) probably in the next few days I'll be receiving the notifications from CR soon.

Also noticed the @peakd's icon to indicate that a post is utilizing CR. Hopefully, Ecency & Hive.Blog will also implement this; I know for sure that the Ecency users are passionate about engagement/commenting because of the point system they have.

All in all, I think CR is a very good addition to the tools here in the platform. I'll keep using it in my posts, cheers!

I recall much discussion some years back on sharing author rewards with commenters and curators, in order to drive views and engagement. I deeply appreciate this mechanism that mostly fulfills the best purposes sharing author rewards could have, which is to reward engagement. I wish there was a mechanism to specify CR share to specific commenters besides the upvote of the author, as I have for some years practiced setting my vote levels in order to manage my HP depletion, rather than voting more for some and less for others. As I haven't substantial stake my upvotes really can't be dizzyingly valuable, and are dispersed for the same reason upvotes on Reddit, Youtool comments, or Fakebook are, to indicate agreement, gratitude for engagement/good manners, or to encourage folks. My $.02 financial value to my upvotes pales besides those other values, TBH.

It would be nice to be able to maintain that practice while still specifying some particular comments for greater financial rewards, if only to avoid having to learn new habits.

I am very grateful for your wise and apparently effective work to make sharing author rewards with commenters more manageable and rewarding. I hope that my suggestion of being able to specify CR rewards manually rather than simply by author upvoting comments makes sense to you and you do undertake making that possible.


This sounds similar to the old dustsweeper project to reward comments.

Can you merge your program with the dustsweeper one so that there is more oomph to the comment rewards? Or perhaps get dustsweeper to trail comment-rewarder posts?

It's been good so far ... learning curve not severe ... I love the fact that you come through and let me and everyone know what is going on transparently so that over time, people will know what is going on. I also like that you let me choose who gets rewarded, so I maintain my own quality standards!

Thanks for the feedback!

You're welcome!

It sounds like a good thing going on there , what is it about ??

I thought 50% reward would improve engagement on my last post, but it didn't.

Your rep of 57 indicates that you haven't been here long. It takes time to create a network of folks interested in what you publish. Just offering a portion of author rewards isn't seen by anyone not following you, and they also have to be aware you're doing that.

It is a grind to develop an audience for a blog, and simply sharing author rewards with your audience once isn't a shortcut to a successful blog. The basics of attracting an audience are the only way to even making people aware you are sharing rewards. The best way to develop that audience IMHO is to follow folks whose content you are interested in and comment cogently on their content. This will enable their followers to see what you have to say on such topics, and will drive those interested in what you say to your blog.

Define "long". It's been a while. I'm just not a regular poster. But yeah, about developing an audience, I have a long way to go.

I have just become aware of you from your comment on this blog. I unschooled my kids, and am very supportive of homeschooling, so have followed you in the hope of learning more and staying abreast of these issues.

While I see you have been here for years, I have been unaware of you all this time, and would have followed you long ago had I known of you. My recommendation is to follow family oriented blogs and comment cogently on matters you well understand, so that more folks can find you as I have now. I have some controversial opinions, that I support with sources I find credible, but this causes me to be less popular than many other blogs, because I am not what anyone would call main stream.

Not everyone I follow follows me back is all I'm saying, so don't feel obligated to do so if you find my content unacceptable.

Thanks for the follow and the advices. Sometimes I find it hard to find people with similar interests on the platform. I created an unschooling community too if you're interested

Tried this out on my post, now all left is to hope for people to comment on my post and figure out what a good middlegrounds % is to share with my engagers.

One question, does the percentage of my vote that I give to the comment make a difference, or should I always vote for the comment with my 100%?

Currently, I have a publication where I am allocating 10% for commentrewarder, this means that this 10% will be distributed among users who made comments and I gave him a vote, right, so I ask how will be the distribution.

Congratulations on this, I like it very much, and I will implement it in my contests.

After reading the first comments, I found an answer to my question.

My first publication, I'm testing @commentrewarder 🙂

Great job!

Thanks for this service. I've incorporated CR on all my posts going forward. I love the reward notification feature.

It is a great initiative to increase the engagement. We hope it will bring more positivity in the Hive Universe!

Glad to be part of this 😊 I'm sure it will be a big change in how Hive works and its engagement

amazing tool i would like see the code to learn how works.

Wow this is huge amount of rewards & great for engagement!

I think, like many others, I am on this post after getting notifications on getting rewards for my comment on someone's post (@ironshield)!! It's pretty awesome.

A good way to get something extra, thanks to the generous authors!


I really like the new icon, it makes some readers feel tempted to comment.

So glad to see this catching on

Rewarding people for engaging!

Looking good, I like this and I may check it for myself.

thank you for the creation of this great project and for the reward received

Wow, what a great initiative. I think it's great and I'm sure it's a good incentive to continue growing as a community with everyone's help because that's what we are, a big hive.😃

It has been a successful launch, I'm going to try it soon, I think I understand how it works. I was surprised at how quickly it all came together, the Hive community is great and this project promises to generate more interaction.

Congratulations @commentrewarder! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You made more than 50 comments.
Your next target is to reach 100 comments.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

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Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
@ninahaskin(1/10) tipped @commentrewarder
wrestlingdesires tipped edicted

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👏 Congratulations! 👏
Off to an excellent start!


View or trade LOH tokens.

@ninahaskin, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @commentrewarder and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (1/12 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

I used it at Ecency thinking that would work there too. Hope it's implemented there in the future. Thanks for CR and the review.

@commentrewarder, I paid out 67.207 HIVE and 13.139 HBD to reward 65 comments in this discussion thread.

Great, I'm posting it, great project, I love it

Guao! Por motivos personales, dejé de publicar unos meses, y cuando regreso, ¡Zas! ¡No dejo de sorprenderme de las ideas y proyectos geniales!, admito, debo ser un poco mas consecuente!


A good project, very successful.