Introducing CommentRewarder - A new service to reward comments

in #hive23 days ago (edited)
Authored by @hivetrending

What is CommentRewarder

Comment Rewarder (CR) is a bot that rewards comments. CR helps low-stake authors (and all authors) reward their audience. Not all blog authors have enough Hive Power to upvote replies to reach the dust threshold, and rewarding comments incentivizes engagement. Authors with lower Hive Power may not have a weighty enough vote to successfully reward replies to their posts because of the ~$0.02 “dust” threshold. CR solves this problem.

You may have seen this idea talked about by @acidyo in recent blog posts [1] [2]. It's up and running now! @Acidyo and @hivetrending collaborated to make it happen.

How to use CommentRewarder in 2 simple steps

  1. Before publishing your post, set the options for beneficiaries. Add @commentrewarder to the beneficiary list, and choose 3% or more.
  2. Upvote replies to your post with any vote weight.

This is how the Beneficiaries settings look in PeakD


How CommentRewarder works

When the post is approximately three days old, CR takes inventory of the post's discussion thread. Replies upvoted by the OP are eligible for extra rewards. This way, you, the OP, choose which comments get rewarded, and you can skip spammy comments if needed.

When the post is seven days old, and author rewards are paid out, CR distributes its share of the author rewards to the accounts that authored the eligible comments in the discussion thread.

Notes and Caveats - Q & A

  • Replies downvoted by the author will not be eligible for rewards from CR.
  • Replies added/upvoted after the 3-day mark will not be eligible for rewards.
  • Deeply nested replies are included in the process, in addition to replies directly under the post.
  • One commenter can receive more rewards by authoring multiple approved comments.
  • It’s possible that the CR share of author rewards plus the number of approved comments results in amounts smaller than the minimum transfer amount — 0.001 Hive/HBD. Those minuscule value transfers will be skipped.
  • The rewards are shared equally among eligible comments, and the comment upvote value doesn't matter currently.
  • The rewards are split between eligible comments, based on the weight of the OP's upvotes.
  • Votes' rshares value is used to calculate the reward distribution. A change of HivePower (including delegations) during the three days while comments are being voted on can skew the reward distribution.
  • A higher beneficiary percentage will increase rewards for the comments, since more funds will be available to CR.

Q: Are both HIVE and HBD coins sent for rewards?
A: Both liquid Hive and HBD will be sent. Because author rewards come in as HivePower and HBD, we’ll provide some liquid Hive initially to get things going.

Q: What if reply to myself and upvote my reply?
A: Rewards for self-replies will be burned (sent to null).

Q: How are Layer-2 token rewards (Hive-Engine) distributed?
A: Layer-2 token rewards aren't currently being shared with the comment authors. This may change in a future update.

Q: Can an icon be displayed on posts that have CR enabled, to differentiate them from other posts in feeds?
A: The latest PeakD version shows a unique icon for posts that have CR enabled

Q: What happens to the funds if the blog post author does not upvote any comments?
A: The Hive and HBD will be refunded to the OP

Q: If a post is set to 100% power up, are the comment rewards also sent as HP?
A: Currently, liquid Hive is sent equivalent to the amount of HP that pays out.

What do you think? Feedback is welcome.

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Thanks for reading this far. Guess what! CommentRewarder is enabled for this post, and we will upvote some replies here. Let us know what you think!

There are 2 pages

Something new on Hive, love it! CommentRewarder can be great, for example, when someone wants to start a discussion with a question as the title and only a few words below. In that case, OP can set CommentRewarder 95% or 100% to redirect rewards to commenters. stopped working, as I see, so it would be fair to create a Quora-like community for this purpose. There are so many people on Quora dreaming about good rewards for their answers... Possible to onboard them if a Hive Quora-like community becomes a thing. How to onboard some of them? For example, by starting a question on Quora "What is the best alternative to Quora?" and such types of discussions.

You're stepping on my community idea!

Jk, but I've been wanting something like @commentrewarder for it for a long time and a diverse other communities to make use of it.

Will post about a couple of them shortly!

Just learned about this today. Let's see if after today people will use any of this on that community. Could be a good point to make reference of the CR existence there too...

Yes haven't gotten to it yet, was thinking of making it default send 80% of rewards to CR (using tools that peakd offers for default beneficiaries) and then potentially enforcing that later by muting posts that don't adhere to the rule or potential abuse attempts in comments trying to get those rewards in disingenuine ways.

That would be cool. Integration with "usual" (people) tools of features like these are the things that make engagement experiences different on Hive.

I will give it a try on my next HPUD post.


Ah, the community exists already, good, have subscribed. Someone should educate people first, probably, to initiate the broader use of CR.

Will post about a couple of them shortly!

Looking forward to it.

Was going to change the rules today but noticed the keys to it aren't on my current PC's keychain so will update it tomorrow and post about it.

It might also be a great usecase for polls (commentrewarder and askthehive community).

For polls I would say a cap would be handy... to disincentivize abuse by multiple accounts voting when big rewards are in place.

not to reward the poll votes but the comments and discussions around the voting


Interesting! I hadn't thought of this use case.


This is an excellent idea ... Quora confuses me anyhow, but I would have been more motivated had it been set up like Commentrewarder can. Get those who need better over here -- love it!


Quora confuses me anyhow, but I would have been more motivated

Do you mean it confuses you as a reader or as an author on Quora?

A reader who wanted to be an author, but looked at the quality control and the reading confusion and said, "nope."

Yeah, I liked the a lot too... it had (still has if anyone wants to revamp that thing) potential.

Yeah, it did. I don't know what's happened to the project.


This is awesome, earlier than expected. Thanks a lot @hivetrending for the great job. 🙏


You’re welcome ☺️

Great stuff!

Curious if CR is taking any small bit for itself. I think you should, if only to help fund what the project needs to stay maintained. Maybe something that only stays "on" until costs are covered, if the intent is purely altruistic? Also nothing wrong with seeking fair compensation for the work :)

I've pinged the folks in Scholar & Scribe about this—they're always trying to find ways to incentivize comments.

Thanks for helping spread the word! No plans to take a cut right now

Excellent idea for those like me who don't have enough Hive Power and can generate a little more rewards with comments


Excellent project to be able to encourage interaction through our publications 👏👏 thank you very much and count on my support 🤓🥳

Thanks for the kind words

@amaterasusolar i think you should add @commentrewarder to your posts. I'm getting great rewards back from using this. Worth it for you and your readers.

Thanks. Is this something I can set once and leave it? Or do I have to remember to do it on each of My posts?

On peakd you can set it as default once and forget about it. I suggest you read what percentage amount to make a beneficiary that beat suits your needs. I'm using 5% but I may change it once I re read all the info to make sure. Either way it pays good for what it's worth.

I will see if I can find where (I'm on Peakd). Thank You!

What you mean? Write in post @commemtrewarder

What do you mean what do I mean?

With adding the @? When you write post tag @commentrewarder

Yeah what about it?

Not sure if it works. Is not in the presentation post.

It works sir @lazzvi, see I used it with your username. You should get a notification.

Hey say what your trying to say don't beat around the bush. I'm not mind reader. Be direct. Honest. What are you trying to tell me? What do you want to know?

Sorry, English is not my language. I think I misunderstood. I thought that simply tagging @commentrewarder in a post was enough to activate the rewards. Sorry, I might have misread.

It depends on which front end you are using but the process is about the same.

However on you can set the beneficiary to your posts as a default. I am not sure about the others.

  1. Sign into your username on

  2. Go to settings

  3. Scroll down to beneficiary settings section.

  4. Set @commentrewarder as default beneficiary and set to minimum 5% or more.

  5. Make sure you save settings.

  6. Write and post your original post

Additionally you can set these settings directly in your post settings before publishing it.

I see.

Did you read the post entirely?

Yes , I did, now I'm fully aware how it works.



The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
@itharagaian(6/10) tipped @commentrewarder
jane1289 tipped commentrewarder
herman-german tipped commentrewarder

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!

Hi, in my last post I'm using this @ mechanism I'm happy because everyone who was kind enough to comment on my post will be rewarded. happy

Thanks for trying it out!

Great idea for engagement!

What's the minimum effort in writing a comment needs to be in order to receive an Up|Vote? Or is it strictly decided on what the author decides to vote on?

is it strictly decided on what the author decides to vote on?

Yes, it's the choice of the author

If that's the case then I'll give it a try.

@wakeupkitty and I know that in Freewriters Community, getting people to support each other can be challenging ... just know that Hive-wide solutions are coming! Check this out!

It is a great idea to do that...I will try in my next post. It is a way to share and stimulate engagement =)

This sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing some results.

Hello, please clarify something for me:
1- In my post I must list @commentrewarder as the beneficiary, 3% or more. Right?
2- Those comments that I voted for and liked. Are those eligible for @commentrewarder to be rewarded?

Could you clarify my doubt?

  1. Correct
  2. Correct

It sounds like a great idea to me.. but I have the RC to upvote every comment.. it will definitely help the smaller accounts.. but how do you stop people from commenting with 73 accounts

Cannot stop people from commenting with 73 accounts today. I don't think its worth it, the blog author probably won't spend the time to review and upvote 73 different comments. The author is sacrificing some of their own rewards, and it's up to the author to decide which comments are rewarded.

Ah. Okay got it.. I just figured someone would find a way to abuse it


When the post is seven days old, and author rewards are paid out, CR distributes its share of the author rewards to the accounts that authored the eligible comments in the discussion thread.

Are all the upvoted comments rewarded from the share equally, or based on the comment upvote value? Would a higher beneficiary percentage reward more to the eligible comments? In what form is that share of author rewards distributed? HBD? HIVE? Both?

Discussed with @acidyo about how the upvote value should come into play.

We think it's best for the vote weight to be factored in, to give more control to the blog author.

An amazing reply could receive 100% upvote, for example and receive more reward than other replies (voted at 50% or less)

Another strategy for conserving voting power could be to vote each comment at 1% weight, and then CR will give equal weight to each comment.

We are implementing this change now.

Good to know, thanks! !BBH

@hivetrending! @ironshield likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @ironshield. (1/100)

(html comment removed: )

Great questions.

  • The rewards are shared equally, the upvote value doesn't matter currently.
  • Higher beneficiary percentage will increase rewards for the comments
  • Both Hive and HBD will be sent. Because author rewards come in as HivePower and HBD, we’ll provide some liquid Hive initially to get things going.

The rewards are shared equally

Hope it won't lead to spam. Someone can even farm accounts to post AI-generated comments. You can mute them but you can't know for sure especially if an account is new. Some restrictions (account age, HP, badge, membership in the community) could help... A badge would be perfect actually - the blue tick of Hive.

I was thinking about the blue tick of Hive idea.

The reputation score (73 for your account) works well most of the time. New accounts are starting at 25 rep. There are some cases where account builds up positive rep and then decides to start spamming. In that case, downvotes can gradually lower the rep.

Good, that will work. But adding HP criteria (1000 HP?) to that might be a good idea to incentivize buying $HIVE. Perhaps... 🤔

This could be happening today, and probably is for blog posts which are more lucrative for rewards. Curators have to use their best judgment to vote on meaningful content. For replies and CR, the blog author can decide which replies should be rewarded. After all, they decided to redirect some of the author rewards to CR.

Awesome, thanks!

@hivetrending -- Congratulations! Picking it up for my Friday newsletter, and also will be implementing its use!

Thanks for helping to spread the word!

This is an awesome method to reward commenters.


What happens to the beneficiary percentage of rewards if no comments are upvoted? Are they refunded to the author?

Hadn't thought about this scenario. A refund might be the best action, we'll discuss it.

Wow, you guys work fast. We were just talking about this a few days ago and it's now here. I think this is an interesting implementation, and I hope it works out. I do have some questions/clarifications.

If there is only one commenter on the post, and the author upvoted it, will all the CR upvotes go to it? In the off chance that there is a low voted post but there are a lot of comments, and the CR vote won't reach the minimum vote level, what happens then?

What do you recommend?

For the one commenter, I think it should get all the upvote so as not to waste or lose the beneficiary vote from CR. For the second scenario, maybe the CR can prioritize those that got the highest vote percentage from the author, and upvote with the minimum amount [0.021] going down the priority list.

This is one of the reasons why I brought up the HSBI setup to acidyo where the account can accumulate voting amount. You can maybe have a setup of max voting value, so anything in excess can be stored, and be used when there are more commenters.


This is really cool man! I know I see a lot of new people who vote comments but don’t understand the reward thresholds enough to know.

Curious - is there a requirement for how much a vote was given? Would it matter if someone voted 1% instead of 100% just thinking about also helping the authors who don’t have a lot of HP conserve their voting power better.

Currently, no requirement to vote at a specific %. You can vote at 1% and CR will use that to "approve" the reply.

That's good. I wonder if there is a way to coach the newer users to use 1% instead of 100% so they don't waste all their VP on comments! I don't know if it makes sense to do that in an automated comment or what. Just food for thought!

If a new user has figured out how to set beneficiary options, they are in pretty good shape already!


If I understand correctly then whatever comments I upvote on my post with any % will be rewarded by CR.
It sounds great acid and hope it brings more engagement on chain. Thanks for doing this.

That's correct understanding


Q: What happens to the funds if the blog post author does not upvote any comments?

  • One option here would be to keep track of that amount for the account in question and then dump it on the next eligible post and comments.
  • Another would be a straight refund of the % of beneficiary. Maybe with a tax so people don't use it just to get liquid rewards, We got services for that already. =p
  • Could also burn them.

Certainly looks useful for the smaller accounts and also for bigger accounts who don't want to throw a large amount of vote mana on comments trying to get over the threshold.

I'm a hive witness supporting the blockchain please consider voting for me.


Excellent! Now you just have to create a kind of icon or mark that can be added to the titles of the posts so that users can quickly identify the posts with extra rewards. Maybe a community or tag?

This is a good idea.

Stay tuned!


Q: Can an icon be displayed on posts that have CR enabled, to differentiate them from other posts in feeds?
A: Stay tuned!

I wonder if it will be implemented on all frontends (i.e. PeakD, Ecency…?)

This would be helpful for sure :)

Thanks for the feedback :)


@herman-german! @curamax Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @curamax.

Indeed Logo

@commentrewarder, I paid out 40.995 HIVE and 8.684 HBD to reward 41 comments in this discussion thread.

It sounds so good. It's a an extra reward and incentivates comments and interactions. Congrats!

When the post is approximately three days old, CR takes inventory of the post's discussion thread. Replies upvoted by the OP are eligible for extra rewards. This way, you, the OP, choose which comments get rewarded, and you can skip spammy comments if needed.

Are all comments rewarded, but upvoted comments rewarded more? Or are only upvoted comments rewarded?

Only the comments chosen by the blog author are rewarded by CR.

If a post is set to 100% power up, are the comment rewards also sent as HP?

Only liquid Hive will be sent currently.

Would comment rewarder also share 2nd layer token rewards?

No plans for this currently. Maybe in a future version.

This will encourage more comments, and those with low HP they are also encouraged 😀, over all engagements will definitely soar. This is good.


If the author of the post comments on their own post and upvotes his own comment, would he recover a share of the beneficiary rewards?

Use to reward yourself, it’s less effort.

CR will send the rewards to null for self-replies

Thank you for answering all my questions. :-)

Love this idea and plan to use it. Great for smaller accounts and others that could use this service as it provides an automatic way of sharing Hive rewards. Great job and look forward to trying it out. !BBH !DOOK !INDEED

You just got DOOKed!
@pepetoken thinks your content is the shit.
They have 20/400 DOOK left to drop today.
Learn all about this shit in the toilet paper! 💩


@commentrewarder! @pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH to your account on behalf of @pepetoken. (18/100)

(html comment removed: )

@commentrewarder! @pepetoken Totally agrees with your content! so I just sent 1 IDD to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

Indeed Logo


Congratulations @commentrewarder! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

You received more than 600 upvotes.
Your next target is to reach 700 upvotes.
You got more than 10 replies.
Your next target is to reach 50 replies.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word STOP

I also see use cases for this in photography posts.
I used to visit a lot of photography-related forums in the past.
The nice thing about that was that the experienced photographers (positively) criticized which really helped me as an amateur photographer to make better photographs.

I really like the initiative, but I do wonder how you are going to promote it since you do have to keep it in mind when creating a post.
I've given the post a reblog to give it some more visibility at least.

The people behind @peakd may help it along similar how they did with a long time ago. (even though the main idea behind it never got much usage ;()

What a time to commentate on Hive :D


In the comments we can also find good rewards, so if we must make good use of this resource to generate better rewards


This service is a perfect idea for engagement. But the beneficiary is used to pay for comments, I assume? What happens if I, as the OP, reply to a comment and get a vote from the commenter? But then, do I also get a reward for responding from the beneficiary?

CommentRewarder only cares about votes from the author of the blog post.

So, if I understand correctly, my answer doesn't count? Only those comments that I vote on as the post's/blog author?

Right. The intention is to reward readers who read the post and engage in discussion.

Ok. Just upload the post with a 3% @commentrewarder beneficiary. To see how it's working. 😎

Thanks for trying it out! We'll keep an eye things to make sure it runs smoothly the next few weeks




Interesting concept :)


Excellent initiative, I'm quite sure this will help Hive to take a step forward which is really needs. I'll see if I can apply it on some of my own posts going forward even though I have enough voting power to beat the threshold on comment upvotes.


Just Awesome 👏🏻


Congratulations @commentrewarder! Your post has been a top performer on the Hive blockchain and you have been rewarded with this rare badge

Post with the highest payout of the day.

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking
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