Lol, yeah Statstics I mean Statistics does matter a lot ;)
Frankly speaking, it's all team work right now and inspiration is drawn thru many tweets as I mentioned above and contests running by many people including @theycallmedan himself are lifting the spirits of many Hive owners including me and that shows off in the Twitter Stats.
Good know you thru this message and I have now followed you and hopefully, I will explore on Abundance Tribe as I saw about that in your profile :)
Good day :)
Nice to see you connecting and following up - meeting and following new people. THAT's what this is all about!
Following people as part of knowing them and creating more hive hustle has been one thing I have been doing on Hive as well as Twitter... It's a small gesture which will help to unite and engage with other Hive owners is what I feel.
Oh yeah, I forgot to add this.. Thanks for the Engage tokens :)