Battle Mage Secrets: Rise of the Commons
Hello Splinterfam! Here I am back again for this week's Battle Mage Secrets. For this week's challenge the rule featured is Rise of the Commons. Rise of the Commons only allows you to use common and rare cards in the battle. For those of you who are new here I mainly own silver level modern cards which is the Chaos Legion, Riftwathers and few Rebellion cards. So I would mostly talk about things on a silver level modern format perspective only.
Rise of the Commons is one of my favorite rule. I always use my favorite cards (if able) everytime I see this rule. Possibilus the wise is my favorite summoner to use (if mid to high mana cap) plus the ultimate water tank and off tank Diemonshark and Coastal sentry.
The rules were:
Fire and Regret: All monsters have the return fire ability
Rise of the Commons: Only common and rare monster may be used in battles
A 45 mana cap battle with Fire, Water, Earth, and Life splinter available to use. I used water splinter because to be honest I haven't even look at the other splinter available, when I saw water available I just immediately picked t without even looking at the opponent's previous battles.
The line up I used was:
Possibilus The Wise - To give Reach ability to my second unit plus the extra 2 health and the trample ability is good to have.
Diemonshark - A good tank because of its speed plus the Enrage ability makes it being able to dish out higher damage and also increase its survivability by increasing its speed.
Coastal Sentry - One of my favorite card due to its double strike, high speed and has armor. I always use this card in the 2nd position because it is not tanky enough to survive attacks on front. The double strike plus the trample ability given be the summoner is a good combo because it attack 2x meaning the chance for it to kill a unit and activate trample is doubled.
Venari Marksrat - I used it for its Martyr ability to boost the stats of Deeplurker, by dying early because of the Fire and Regret rule, atleast that's the plan.
Deeplurker - With the Opportunity ability this card is very usable because of its high melee attack and avarage speed for its mana cost plus the trample ability would likely trigger because it targets enemy units with the lowesr health.
Venari Wavesmith - I used this card for the protection ability to increace the survivability of all my units. And for counter to my opponent if he decided to also use possibilus the wise.
Swamp Spitter - With a repair ability makes all my unit hard to kill plus the 3 range attack is good to have. I still used it even if there is a Fire amd Regret rule because I only need it to protect my tank for 2-3 rounds to help me win.
The battle went well and according to plan. He also used almost the same composition as mine. The only difference is that he used a sneak monster to kill my back line but luckily my backline was tanky and did its job which is to repair my tank's shield.
Battle link
- Conclusion
This line up is my go to line up. I always use this if given the chance because of the high win rate for me plus the gold cards gives me extra pts. For me Water has the strongest common and rare card for high mana cap battles so I think this composition is good for the rule set.
Want to play Splinterlands? Click this link here for the Referral link. That's it for this weeks battle mage secrets. Thank you everyone for giving your time reading this blog I hope everyone enjoys and would have a winning streak. Again thank you and I'll see you on the next one.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121