Social Media Challenge: Epic and Legendary Fire Cards
Good Day Splinterfam! here I am back again for this week's social media challenge and I am here to talk about the new released edition this Dec 2023, the Rebellion. Let's talk about Fire and its Epic and Legendary cards. For those of you who are new here, I only own modern cards silver level cards so I would mostly cover strategies, gameplays, and line ups on a silver level modern format perspective only.
The First card in an epic card:
- Dalthin Ironhood
Dalthin Ironhood on a silver level which is level 3 for epic cards has stats of 2 ranged damage 3 speed 5 health and 5 armor. Looking at the stats I thinks its pretty meh for me but you can never go wrong with the Weapons training ability which would give 2 ranged attack to adjacent monster without an attack plus the immunity ability is ok to have. This card would be much of use to many line ups because of the weapons training I am just not a fan of its 5 armor, I mean who would put a ranged attacker without a close range ability in the front, it could be a added to the attack to make him more powerful. Next is:
- Infernal Firestorm
Infernal Firestorm on a silver level which is level 3 for epic cards has stats of 3 magic damage 3 speed 10 health and 5 armor. The stats are ok the ability Flank is ok too I guess if you want your melee tank to not die early like for example tanks who are low on speed. Placing Infernal Firestorm in the front would give your tank a fighting chance. The combo that comes to mind first when I saw this card is with Arkemis the Bear so that the armor provided by Arkemis would be utilize because Arkemis wont die in the early round. Next is:
- Chaos Golem
Chaos Golem on a silver level which is level 2 for legendary cards has a stats of 4 melee damage 3 speed 10 health and 4 armor. Chaos Golem is and anti range monster because of the return fire ability. The Enrage ability is ok to have because it increases the attack more of Chaos Golem plus he has an ok speed, enraged would be very much utilized. The high attack and decent speed makes him a good tank. Next is:
- Rush Townsend
Rush Townsend on a silver level which is level 2 for legendary cards has a stats 5 ranged damage 5 speed 4 health and 2 armor. Damage wise Rush is good plus the speed would almost always hit and enemy tank. Rush Town send is good to use against tanks with high Health and Armor because of its Ambush ability which would allow it to attack before the battle stars taking the Armor of the opponent's tank plus the affliction ability would come in handy because a tank who constantly heal is a pain in the neck to battle against with.
Fire's Rebellion set for epic and legendary is ok. Rush Townsend for me is priority buy and Dalthin Ironhood if you are planning to buy/build fire deck but I wouldn't recommend building a fire deck 1st. For me in my experience water is the most win rate I got and fire for me is somewhat meh for the modern format there is still much to expect in the coming days because we haven't got the airdrop yet for the rebellion set. Hopefully the devs would show some love to fire splinter. Maybe its just me but I have a trouble winning using fire splinter maybe because I still haven't got my cards all max on a silver level fire is ok for a high mana cap battle but I wouldn't say the same for low and mid mana cap.
Want to play Splinterlands? Click this link here for the Referral link. That's it for this weeks social media challenge. Thank you everyone for giving your time reading this blog I hope everyone enjoys and would have a winning streak. Again thank you and I'll see you on the next one.
Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice